Page 53 of When You Kiss Me

“Simon gets all the credit.” Coop glanced at Kelcie. “He was worried sick about all of you, but especially you, Kelcie.”

“Me?” The petite fitness instructor fiddled with her hair as they transitioned to dry land.

“Yeah,” Coop reassured her. “He’s up cooking with the caterers. But he’d love to see you.”

Kelcie hesitated, finger-combing her hair.

“Go on.” Grandma Dotty nudged Kelcie forward. “Love doesn’t care what you look like.”

“Ain’t that the truth.” Coop stared at Vi with none of his usual playboy charm. No. This expression was more serious, much more so. “You ladies have never looked better to me.”


Kelcie giggled and ran up the bank toward the house.

“I’m going to follow the scent of food.” Grandma Dotty placed her hands on Vi’s cheeks. “Take your time, dear.”

“Are you sure?” Violet glanced down at her hand in Coop’s. “Coop and I have a lot to discuss.”

“I’m sure,” Grandma Dotty said, glancing toward the house. “I see they’ve put blankets on the chairs. And look, Simon is waving me over.” She returned his greeting, diamond ring catching the light. And then, she headed toward him and Kelcie.

Violet faced Coop, sighing because the worst of the night was over, and she hoped the best was about to begin.

But instead of kissing her or talking, Coop tugged her deeper into the grounds and away from the debarking party goers. “There’s a covered look-out this way.”

Violet was grateful to get away from all the posers. “All right, but just for a little bit. I can’t let Grandma Dotty get into any more trouble.”

And even though Vi was full of questions, she let Coop lead her to a three-sided windowed structure on a small bluff overlooking the ocean. Moonlight reflected on the water. The stars glimmered in the sky, clear and bright.

“You must be cold without that big white coat.” Coop removed the jacket he was wearing and draped it over her shoulders. And then he drew her into the shelter of his arms. “I’m not sorry to see that puffy white coat go.”

“Me, either.”

They stood without talking, staring out at the spectacular view.

Vi leaned into him, soaking in his warmth and trying not to think about anything that had happened this evening or that could have happened. But one concern needed to be said. “Xuri filmed everything. My standing at Harvard—”

“Will be secured,” Coop assured her in a confident voice. “You didn’t sign a release, so they can’t use that footage. My lawyer will make sure of it.”

Reassured, Vi snuggled closer.

“You’ve been working all week on a book about Shakespeare,” Coop said softly.

“And struggled on the chapter about fate.” She lifted her head, giving it a little shake. “I think because Shakespeare was a firm believer in it and I’m not.”

“Are you sure?” He drew back a little, stroking his fingers beneath her chin. “Our meeting has been rife with fate.”

“Or coincidence,” she pointed out.

“I can prove fate keeps intervening and that we’re fated to be together,” Coop said in a solemn voice that contrasted sharply against the music and laughter drifting to them from the house.

“Proof.” Violet couldn’t believe it. Not that she didn’t want him to prove it. She did. Oh, how she did. But she knew there was no proof to be found. “You think we’re each other’s fate because we met on a beach?”

“Partly.” He nodded. “Don’t forget that I was hired to drive you around town.”

“That’s not enough. And even if it was—”

He kissed her.