Page 52 of When You Kiss Me

“Why did you give my grandmother that coat and then steal it back?” Violet moved to Xuri’s side, edging out one of her entourage, and gave the sleeve of white denim coat the designer was wearing a little tug. “She would have returned it if you’d asked for it.”

Grandma Dotty’s mouth dropped open. “So it’s true? That’s my coat?”

Xuri smiled warmly at her grandmother, avoiding Violet altogether. “This coat was the first I made. Layla should not have sent it to you.”

That was no apology. A bit more of Violet’s nerve returned, but before she could say anything more, her grandmother spoke.

“I understand why you love that coat. It has sentimental value to me, too, although not for the same reasons.” Grandma Dotty came to stand on the other side of Xuri’s chair, easily squirming between Xuri and Vampira. “My wedding ring is in one of the jacket pockets. If you hand it over, along with my emergency money and my cell phone, I won’t arm wrestle you for it.”

Xuri chuckled.

“I wouldn’t laugh,” Vi said tightly. “She’ll do it. You know, she will.”

Xuri’s good humor evaporated.

“I know I’m just an old lady with a bucket list,” Grandma Dotty continued somberly, looking wrung out but surprisingly clear of mind. “But I believed you really wanted to do something different, to make a statement that your fashions are for everybody, and that you design for attitude not age.”

Vi glanced at the cameraman. He was adjusting his lens, as if zooming in for a close-up.

Xuri was frowning. “Ask anyone and they will tell you. My designs are different.”

“But you’re not brave enough to do somethingagedifferent,” Violet said in a low, hard voice. “And you’re not brave enough to tell my grandmother you gave her the wrong jacket.” Violet slipped out of her jacket and let it drop to the deck. “I refuse to wear anything made by a coward.”

Kelcie and Grandma Dotty shrugged out of their coats, making a show of discarding them on the floor.

Xuri’s gaze darted from the rejected jackets to the cameraman and then to Vi.

Slowly, she reached inside her jacket’s inner pocket. She handed over Grandma Dotty’s cell phone, a twenty dollar bill, and a large, sparkling diamond ring.

But she didn’t apologize.

And for that, Violet would never forgive her.

Chapter Thirteen

Coop was waiting on the dock when the yacht arrived for the after-after party.

Coop. Violet could hardly believe it. She was so happy to see him, she waved.

She, Grandma Dotty, and Kelcie were the first ones off the yacht when the gang plank was secure. Without jackets, they were chilled to the bone.

Violet ran toward Coop. “How are you here?”

Coop swept her into his arms. “You’re all safe?”

“Yes,” Grandma Dotty came to stand next to them. “Thanks to Vi.”

Violet wasn’t going to take credit for anything. She’d lost her temper and nearly blown everything. She clung to Coop because his embrace was the first place she’d felt safe all night. “I’m so glad you found us.”

“Me, too,” he whispered in her ear.

“Violet got Dotty’s stuff back,” Kelcie told Coop, joining them on the dock. “She put Xuri in her place. It was awesome.”

That also felt like an overstatement.

“I bet she was a sight to behold.” Coop set Violet at arm’s length and brushed her hair out of her eyes, peering at her like a doctor during an exam where he was unsure of the diagnosis. “I should have known you’d come out on top. Was Shakespeare quoted?”

“I was too angry for Shakespeare, although I did hear you quote him in my head.” Not wanting to discuss the events of the boat ride while others were disembarking, Vi took Coop’s hand and led the group toward shore. “How did you find us?”