Page 42 of When You Kiss Me

“And then, my father died,” Simon said quietly. “Right there at his desk. It made me realize I didn’t want to work my fingers to the bone just to increase already unimaginable family fortunes. I had just started catching the bug for engineering and was competing with Coop for internships when my father died and—”

“You’re an engineer?” Vivi asked Coop.

He nodded absently and just as absently said, “Like madness is the glory of this life.”

“Shakespeare? Now?” Vivi shook her head.

“Now is the perfect time for Shakespeare. We’re in the midst of a crisis.” Coop caught Vivi’s eye in the rear view mirror.

She looked away.

“Anyway,” Simon continued. “I loved electronic engineering because I loved solving problems and puzzles. But after Dad’s funeral, I couldn’t do it anymore. Who needs a faster superconductor anyway?”

“In one hundred feet, turn left on Bayview Drive,” the Brit instructed.

Coop obeyed, still noodling over Simon’s admission. Simon’s life was on a parallel track of sorts to his.

The tell-tale signs of a party in progress were evident on the semi-rural street. Cars were parked on each shoulder, crammed together so tight there was no way they’d been left there by anyone other than a valet, paid to make the most use of space.

“What did you do, Simon?” Vivi asked with what sounded like sincere interest.

Mr. Green-Eyed Monster envied Simon for having broken through her guard. But he had no one to blame for her cold shoulder but himself.

“I drowned my grief and unhappiness in alcohol.” Simon didn’t sound repentant. In fact, he sounded rather cheerful. “As luck would have it, my efforts were made at a very trendy restaurant where the chef knew me and had a heart. Every time I showed up to drink, he’d take me back into the kitchen. Oh, he’d use some excuse about wanting to share a new, exclusive beverage with me. It wasn’t long before I was showing up earlier and earlier, helping him prep food and participating in his food experiments as he searched for new ways to impress someone’s palate.”

“It was fate. And you found your gift,” Coop muttered, a bit envious because he had yet to bring his to life. “All without having been cut off and ordered to pretend to be someone else.”

“Is that what your father made you do?” At his nod, Simon swore. “That’s messed up, man.”

Vivi was noticeably silent.

Cars were lined up to enter the driveway of the massive estate.

Coop entered the que, sticking his head out the window and whistled shrilly, trying to catch the valet’s attention.

“So, you see, Violet.” Simon turned in his seat to face her. “Coop’s situation may have been different. But we have more in common than either of you thinks.”

Vivi made a noncommittal noise. “Why wouldn’t your family support your interest in opening a restaurant? You’ve been looking for financing, right?”

Coop took note of that for later.

“My grandfather believes I don’t respect him or my legacy,” Simon said. “If I did, as the oldest, I’d move into the office where my father died and take on his duties. My kid sister would love that office and the work. She’s a business management major at Baylor. And since she wants the role, I want her to have it. But sometimes, the life you choose and the way you feel life should be… Well, you have to go it alone.”

Those last words played on repeat in Coop’s head:you have to go it alone.How true those words felt.

Vivi leaned over the seat and grabbed her phone from the cupholder. “The coat is here.”

The valet gave them a ticket for the car. Coop tipped him big and instructed him to keep the Town Car close. He didn’t anticipate being at the party long. It wouldn’t be hard to spot Dotty’s big white jacket. And given the people they were dealing with, they’d probably want to make a quick exit.

Meanwhile, Vivi roused Dotty and Simon roused Kelcie, and then they all headed into the house for another loud, packed party.

A live band played somewhere. But the acoustics were bad, and Coop didn’t recognize the song for all the heavyboom-boom-da-boom.

They reached the front door. Coop peered over the heads of people sardined in front of him. “Oh, no.”

“Do you see it?” Vivi demanded from the step below him.

“Is the thief inside?” Dotty asked, bouncing up and down on her toes.