Page 24 of When You Kiss Me

Her grandmother smiled happily, oblivious to the culinary danger being averted behind her. “And lucky for us, he had a last minute cancelation. I’ve always wanted to take cooking lessons.”

“Because you hate to cook?” Violet fought a smile. “Or because you aren’t a good cook?”

“Oh, the pot is calling the kettle black now.” Grandma Dotty’s smile didn’t dim as she pantomimed a message to Violet that translated to something like,“I brought you a hot chef. Get over to the stove and feel the heat.”

Violet shook her head. “My pots are just fine in the kitchen.”

Grandma Dotty tsked, jerking her head over her shoulder in Chef Simon’s direction, over and over. “As I recall, you have trouble boiling eggs, Vi.” Head jerk. Head jerk. Head jerk. Translation:Get over there by that attractive, single man.

“Everybody has trouble boiling eggs.” Violet gripped the bar stool handles, continuing the silent conversation.I’m not going to make a play for a hot chef by pretending I can’t cook.

“I have a class for that. Boiling eggs, I mean,” Chef Simon said smoothly without turning around. He had a nice, broad back.

Not as broad as Chuck’s. And his hair was beginning to thin on top.

Violet frowned. “I don’t care about any of that.”

“Eggs?” Grandma Dotty blinked in confusion, glancing over her shoulder. “Or…”

“No…Yes…I’m sorry,” Vi babbled. “What are we talking about? I’m still half asleep.”

“Are you feeling all right?” The handsome chef turned to look at her with clear blue eyes that held no hidden secrets, mischief, or sorrow. “I can make soup.”

“No soup!” Vi said too quickly, not wanting to encourage a man who hadn’t quoted Shakespeare once.

Gah! What is happening to me?

“My grandmother is an early riser and doesn’t like to let this night owl sleep. Plus, she dragged me to exercise classes two days in a row at dawn and because I’m competitive, I went all-in on hip thrusts and squat parties and…” She’d babbled her way into a corner. “This is supposed to be my summer break?” She grimaced because she never ended a sentence with a question when there should have been a period.

“Ah.” Chef Simon’s smile was comforting.

Not mischievous. Not pulse pounding.

In other words, not Chuck’s.

Grandma Dotty mouthed,“You like him.”

Violet shook her head. “I likefood.” Especially food she didn’t cook that smelled like it came from a five-star restaurant.

The chef chuckled. Not smoothly. It was more like a barely contained donkey bray. And that sound… That cadence…

Violet looked at him with a new set of eyes. “Have we met before?”

“You’ve seen him.” Grandma Dotty was thrilled with her catch of the day. She danced around the kitchen island and gave Violet’s shoulders a squeeze. “He was on that cooking show we watch.”

“Iron Pan Warriors?”Those chefs were awesome. “Which season?”

“Season Ten.” Some of the good cheer slipped from his tone. “I didn’t win.”

“You lost on bay bugs.” It was all coming back to Violet now. He’d lost just last year.

“Bugs?” Dotty’s arms fell to her sides. “I don’t remember anyone cooking bugs on that show.”

“Bay bugs are like lobster but from Australia, remember?” Vi studied Chef Simon. “What are you doing here? I would have thought you’d have a restaurant open somewhere by now.”

“That’s my goal. I just need seed money for the right location.” The confidence was returning to Simon’s voice and demeanor, but now he was sounding like a pitch-man reciting his rehearsed speech. “As a chef, you’ve got to be selective when it comes to location, plus find an area where the local food supply chain plays to your strengths.”

“I’m thinking of investing,” Grandma Dotty said brightly. “Because we don’t have bay bugs here.”