Page 21 of When You Kiss Me

“But Vivi,” his voice softened, lowered. And more than anything, she wanted to see the warmth in his eyes when he spoke. “If there’s more to me for you to discover and more of you for me to discover, don’t you want to explore the unknown? Together?”

I do.

But also, I don’t.

Now was the time to re-iterate that they had no future together. Quickly, like the fast removal of a sticky bandage.

“I was hired at Harvard in May, but I didn’t start until September. I’d just completed my Ph.D. and I needed to let off some steam.” Although her family knew, Violet didn’t tell strangers this story. Ever. But there was something about Chuck that inspired her trust. “I went to a party with my sister Kitty, and I met someone…”

“Careful now,” Chuck said in a husky voice. “I’m suddenly realizing I have a jealous streak. At least, when it comes to you.”

Vi would have laughed if her message wasn’t serious. “He was a NASCAR driver and without realizing it, I got caught up in something… Well, that sounds wrong. Let’s say that he was successful, very photogenic and suddenly, I was a minor celebrity.” That was probably a stretch. “Or at least, I was in Harvard’s eyes. I showed up for my onboarding and was told—not in this specific language—that Harvard professors represent Harvard in responsible way. I understood it to mean rich, jet-setting, party girls have no place teaching at Harvard.”

“Did you like this guy? The NASCAR racer?”

“That’s none of your business.” There was no way Vi was admitting just how much her heart had been broken six years ago. “I will tell you that he passed my sisters’ Kissing Test, but in the end, I had to choose between him and my dreams.” That sounded like a badly written romcom with a disappointing ending. She tried to lighten things. “You know, I fit the Harvard mold now. I wear flannel pajamas and sweat socks at home after work. And I bring books to bed with me.”

“That sounds super sexy, Vivi.” He sighed. “But I’m sorry you had to choose.”

“Me, too,” Vi said softly, although looking back, the hurt didn’t sting near as much now as it had before. She wanted to say it was a good thing he was just an everyday Joe, but that would re-open the door to a relationship. And the whole purpose of sharing her past was to make clear that the attraction between them had no future.

Chuck cleared his throat. “Tell me more about this Kissing Test. Someone else mentioned it to me today. Apparently, the Summer Kissing Test is legend in these parts. And if winning your trust means passing this trial, I need a briefing.”

“That would imply the test lies ahead of you.” She smiled. How did he keep doing that? “But for educational purposes. It’s not a legend. You might find this hard to believe, but some men are more interested in the fortune a woman will someday inherit than the woman herself.”

“No.” He sounded aghast.

“It’s true,” she reassured him, enjoying their banter. “And so, my oldest sister Kitty came up with the Kissing Test. I have four sisters, each beautiful in their own way. And if a man wants to be in a relationship with me and earn my family’s approval, he has to be immune to the charm of my sisters and their attempted kisses.”

“I… How long has this test been going on?” He sounded distracted.

“Over a decade, I think.” Violet was struck by a sudden suspicion. “Did you grow up in the Hamptons?” Because there had been many a summer spent at the shore, in town, at parties. Executing Kissing Test campaigns.

“Vivi, I’m not a local. I’m a Texan.” He sounded offended.

Still, there was the uncertainty with which he’d asked that question about when the tests had begun.

“I have to go,” Chuck said over the sound of voices and a car starting in the background. “Sweet dreams of me, Vivi.” And then he hung up without giving her a chance to tell him she would do nothing of the sort.

It was a good thing she didn’t.

Because she dreamed of him all night.


Coop drove the Greenburgs to a gelato store, let them out, and then pulled around the corner to await their call for a pick-up.

The gelato store…

It was a classy place with French décor. A decade ago, it had more of a fast food vibe with wooden picnic tables, outdoor speakers playing Top 40 hits, and prices that didn’t gouge. It had been a hot spot for college kids in the summer, serving gelato and espresso.

Coop had hung out there often. That’s where he learned about the weekend’s parties, talked to girls, and maybe stole a kiss or two.

Vivi had said her sister started their Kissing Test a decade earlier, give or take. That would fit the timeline of summer nights at the gelato store, a kind of ominous timeline, at least the more he thought about it. Because Coop vaguely remembered kissing a brunette. Her name might have been Kitty or Kathy. And the next night at the gelato store, he’d been approached by her sister and lip-bombed. He couldn’t remember the sister’s name. But she’d had thick, long hair and had kissed thoughts of Kitty or Kathy right out of his head.

What if the second sister was Vivi? What if that’s why he found her irresistible today? Was this fate at work?

Coop washed a hand over his face.