Page 33 of Frost My Cookie

Andwhen he wakes me up in the morning with his mouth on my pussy, making me come in less than a minute, before kissing me and telling me he has to go to the office for a bit, but he’ll see me soon.

Yes, I confirm to myself in the mirror once he is gone.I’m definitely in love with Hayden Frost. And I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else.

It’s scary, but I push the fear to the back of my mind as my sister waggles her eyebrows at me the whole ride to the airport. I guess I wasn’t as quiet as I hoped for.

“I’m happy for you,” she whispers, hugging me goodbye.

“I’m happy for me, too.” I smile.

“I’m glad he took the news well. I told you everything would work out.”

I bite my lip. “I haven’t told him yet. I wanted it to be just us. I’ll tell him tonight.”

“I get it,” Sasha grins. “Crazy idea.” Her grin turning mischievous. “Go to him, surprise him. That’s what I’m planning to do when we land.”

I gasp, looking her up and down. “What?”

“I stole one of your tests this morning and… I’m pregnant, too,” she whispers.

“Holy shit!” I can’t help but squeal excitedly.

“Shhh,” she shushes me, but there’s mirth and elation in her eyes.

“I’m so happy for you,” I hug her tighter. “Now I just wish you lived here.”

Her smile dies on her lips. “Come back home,” she whispers. “I miss my little sister, and now we’ll need each other more than ever.”

There’s a ping in my chest. A heartache that has steadily been building for the past few years. I’m happy here. Happy in Bourbon, but a piece of me wants to be back home in Cambridge.

If ever was the best time to move, it would be now, before the baby comes. But am I ready to close Suga Suga? And would Hayden even consider moving his business to Europe? As much as I want that, I don’t think that’s likely.

There’s heat behind my eyes as tears try to gather, but I push them back along with the lump in my throat.

“Maybe,” I say. But I know the chances are slim.

There’s a heavy weight in my chest as I watch my family walk through security and disappear around the corner.

I want to go home and curl up in my bed, mourn the fact that it’ll probably be another six months before I see my sister, her husband and my baby niece.

It’s not often enough.

What about my little bean? I touch my belly as I go back to my car and start driving back home. On the way, I call my doctor and make an appointment. With the period between Christmas and New Year’s Eve, I’d have thought I’d be hard pressed to get one, but she’s able to see me the day after tomorrow. Maybe Hayden and I can go together? Like a family? On a spur of the moment, I take my sister’s advice and make a turn, driving toward the tallest building in Bourbon.

The Frost Tower is looming over me as I shield my eyes and look all the way up. Definitely not a small dick complex thing. I have all the delicious soreness between my legs to prove it. My heart squeezes thinking back to when he told me he just wanted to make sure the town never thought of Hayden Frost as the fire station baby.

My hand reaches to my stomach, rubbing it. Even though I haven’t had an ultrasound yet, haven’t seen the life that’s growing inside me, I already feel this overwhelming protectiveness towards it. How could anyone ever abandon their newborn baby?

How could anyone abandon Hayden?

My heart squeezes in my chest as I push open the door to his building, the same security guard that was manning the front desk last time I was here looking up from his newspaper with a bored expression.

Excitement shoots through me. In a few minutes, I’ll see Hayden.

“Hi.” I smile at the security guard.

“Can I help you?” he asks my boobs. Nice to know some things don’t change.

“I’m here to see Hayden Frost.”