Page 24 of Frost My Cookie

“As much as dick cookies?”


“Maybe I’ll make it a penis-shaped cake,” I muse, yawning.

“That would be… a treat.” He shakes his head before disappearing from my view.

I must have fallen asleep with my face in his pillow because when he wakes me, I’m still holding onto it tightly.

“How long have I been asleep?” I ask.

“Just a couple of hours,” he says, handing me a golden-looking drink. “Here, sip this. It might help settle your stomach.”

I sniff it, sneezing when bubbles tickle my nose.

“Ginger ale. I also have some dry toast if you’re feeling up for it?”

And I am. Feeling up for it. I’m actually ravenous. If there was a horse in my apartment, he’d be on the menu. Hoofs and all.

“Thank you,” I say around a mouthful of bread. “For looking after me. You didn’t have to.”

“I’ll always take care of you, Natasha.”

A swarm of butterflies takes off in my tummy. “Why?”

“I—I don’t quite know how to explain it. It’s you.”

“What did I do?” I take another bite of my toast.

He chuckles, then moves closer. “Don’t freak out, okay? But ever since you barged into my office, I just knew.”

“Knew what?” I stop chewing and try to swallow the piece of bread lodged in my throat.

“I knew deep in my bones that you’re mine,” he says like he hasn’t just declared ownership of a human being. I narrow my eyes. “I know it’s a long game with you, and I’m not afraid to go after what belongs to me.”

“I don’t belong to anyone.”

“Trust me, Sugar. You’re mine and I’m yours. You’ll see soon enough. We’re inevitable.” This dude… As handsome as he is, he’s equally crazy if he thinksthat’sthe way to win me over. Stake your claim and wait for me to be grateful. Ha!

Even though my stomach is swirling with unexplained emotions, and my heart is beating faster, it doesn’t mean I will surrender just like that. “What’s your end goal here, Hulk?”

He grins a wolfish grin at me and takes my hand into his. “You, Sugar. I’m going to marry you and put babies in you. And then you’ll be officially mine, forever.”

Holy shit, he’s lost his marbles.

But why does my heart rejoice at the thought of him claiming me as his?


My head still spins from everything Hayden told me a few days ago. I had to berate myself a million times since then for smiling at just the thought of his words. It’s the last week before Christmas, and I really can’t get distracted by a man who can talk pretty.

And I don’t even want what he’s offering. I really don’t. But I can’t help myself from wondering what if…

It’s always been just me and my sister, and we were enough. Then it was justme, myself and I,and I was happy with no one else in my life. Wasn’t I?

I’ve been content. I was good.

“Tash!” my sister exclaims, running to me with a huge wheely bag behind her, bringing me out of my thoughts. Her husband, Connor, smiles my way as Sasha throws herself into my arms. “I missed you so much,” she whispers into my hair.