Page 21 of Frost My Cookie

“Oh, please. It’s completely natural to have a healthy appetite in your twenties. One’s needs must be met in order for one to truly be able to relax with boyfriend number one. He had an unfortunate size problem, you see. Otherwise, Henry would have been almost perfect.”

“My needs are being met!” I squeak out.

“Splendid, darling. I’ll see you at the surprise birthday party then. Come at seven. Tootles!” She blows me a kiss, leaving me in a cloud of perfume and confusion.

As I unlock my door, I try not to think of Fitzy having sex, but the seed has been planted. A seed that’s making me gag a little.

Instead of drawing myself a bath like I’d planned, I bring my job home and decide to bake some cupcakes for the birthday girl. It’s so typical of Fitzy to throw herself a surprise party. The least I can do is bring her something delicious since I don’t even have a card for her.

Once the cupcakes are done, I have a quick shower, longingly looking at my bath.Tomorrow.I have a whole day tomorrow. I will have the longest bath known to man. I will turn into a prune. And I will forever be known as the half-human-half-prune girl. You gotta aspire to something in life, you know?

Before I know it, it’s time for the party, and I reluctantly make my way across the building to Fitzy’s apartment, the loud thumping of music beating with the rhythm of my steps. With a huge intake of breath for courage, I slap on a huge smile and push open the door.

The thumping becomes much louder as I take in Fitzy’s glam decor with Christmassy accents everywhere. The whole ceiling looks like a mistletoe monster threw up in there. You’d have to be very skilled to avoid one. Classic Fitzy.

“You made it.” Fitzy pushes through the crowd gathered in her entryway.

“Happy birthday, Fitzy. I made you some cupcakes.”

“Oh, darling. How lovely!” She blows me kisses, waving her martini glass around. It’s full to the brim and housing two olives this time. “But it’s not my birthday. It’s for my friend’s nephew. He’s always so uptight, she wanted to surprise him.” She waves her hand in the direction of the backroom, where a tall guy is talking with a young woman. There’s something familiar about him I can’t quite place until, as if he can tell I’m watching him he turns around, his eyes searching.

“I’m just going to put this in the kitchen.” I squeeze my eyes shut, trying to stop my racing heart from galloping out of my chest. What is he doing here? A nephew? Is everything he told me a lie? Was Fitzy even pointing at him, or was that my wild imagination? Was this the important thing he had to leave me for?

I cannot stop all these questions for the life of me. My head is spinning, and I feel sick to my stomach. So sick, in fact, that I barely make it into the guest bathroom before throwing up everything I ate today. Never mind. Fitzy always has plenty of food anyway. Except there’s a golf ball in my throat, preventing me from swallowing anything. When I crack the bathroom door open, I can’t see him anywhere. Maybe it was a mirage?

Whatever it was, I should probably get out of here. I’m considering just putting the cupcakes on the floor and hightailing it back to my apartment when the front door opens, and a familiar face appears, looking a bit lost and unsure of herself.

“Hi, you’re the new girl from England, right?” I smile at the weather girl, Eve Snow, who’s been gracing my TV for the past couple of weeks. She nods, the beam on her face making me glad I walked up to her. I remember being new to the building myself. It can be a little overwhelming. “I’m Tasha. Come into the kitchen. I need to drop off these cupcakes and then I can introduce you to everyone.”

She follows me, and after brief introductions, I witness what I can only describe as chemistry overload when she bumps into Liam, one of my neighbors. Well, well. Who would have thought that Eve would stir the water so soon after her arrival?

I let the scene play out and get distracted by Sirena, a burlesque dancer who’s just out of this world gorgeous. She’s halfway through telling me about her latest exploits when Fitzy sidles up to me. “I sent Eve to get some snacks from the pantry a while back. Would you check on her, darling? I worry she may have gotten lost.”

I excuse myself and make a beeline for the pantry, slowly opening the door, only to discover Eve and Liam looking like they have been up to something.

“Did you find the snacks?” I arch my eyebrow at them, trying to contain my giggle. These two are going to have sex by the end of the week, judging by the amount of electricity in the small space.

“Yeah, I did,” Liam replies, not looking at me. “Best snack at this party, even if it was a little sour at first.” He winks at Eve and walks out of the door, grabbing a bag of chips on his way. Her whole demeanor changes from hot and bothered to irritated.

The back of my neck prickles and I rub it, trying to get rid of the feeling. “Is there something going on with you two?” I ask.

Eve visibly bristles. “What? No. Don’t be ridiculous. I hate him!” She looks past my shoulder, then back at me. “Is there something going on with you and the birthday boy? He hasn’t taken his eyes off you all night.”

I slowly turn my head to where she’s looking and meet the dark eyes I’ve seen in my dreams more than I’d like to admit. Ones that occupy my thoughts way more than they should.

“Natasha,” he mouths and pushes off the wall he was leaning against.

I gulp, like an animal caught in a trap, unable to move even though every single instinct I possess is telling me to run for my life.


It’s the sheer force of my inner strength that propels my legs to move before he gets to me. I run for the bar and toss back one of the many shots laid out there. Then another.

“Slow down, Sugar.” His warmth envelopes me, almost melting my resolve. But I’m stronger than this. I’ve been there, done that. Got the bloody t-shirt to prove it. I grab two more shots, then turn around, and looking him straight in the eyes I drink them both. Not caring the least bit that I’ve probably just consumed more alcohol than I have in the last few months put together. Not caring that the liquid is burning my throat and making my eyes water. And that the taste is so revolting I feel the need to be sick again.

Like a woman on a mission, I push past Hayden and veer through the crowd of people, out the door and down the corridor. Up the stairs and through my door.

I run to my bathroom and make it just in time before everything I drank tonight comes back up. What fresh hell is this? Am I not even allowed to get drunk now? What a fucking mess.