Page 17 of Frost My Cookie

“Tasha!” One of the volunteers opens the door and smiles hugely at me.

“Tasha?” Hayden mutters from behind me, his voice all cute and confused. I should probably tell him at some point that no one calls me Natasha. Well, no one except for him. but I don’t mind it one bit.

“What have you got for us today? Everyone will be so excited!”

“Just some cupcakes and cookies.” I beam at her.

“Come in. Come in. It’s getting really chilly out there.”

Hayden takes my hand and stops me from taking a step. “Sugar, I should—”

“Come on,” I tell him. “We don’t want to be rude.”

He sighs and walks behind me, still holding my hand.

“Oh. Mr. Frost. I didn’t see you there. I’m so sorry!” The volunteer blushes.

“Monica, how many times do I have to tell you to call me Hayden, not Mr. Frost?” Hayden’s grip on my hand tightens as I look between him and the volunteer, confused. What the hell is happening? “Could you give us just a second?”

“Of course. I’ll tell the others you’re here, Tasha.”

I nod in her direction.

“Tasha?” Hayden’s eyebrow arches.

“I go by Tasha, not Natasha.”

“Do you hate that I call you Natasha?”

I shake my head. It’s true, I’ve come to adore the way he says my name. My full name coming from him feels like a gentle caress that sends shivers up and down your body.

“How does she knowyourname?”

His posture deflates, his grip on my hand firm. “I was trying to tell you outside. You surprised me, and by the time I realized where we were, it was too late.”

“What do you mean?”

“Natasha, I…Well, it’s not something I advertise, for obvious reasons, but I volunteer in this shelter.”

“You volunteer at the homeless shelter for women and children?”


“How? Why? When?”

He chuckles. “I told you how I was found. I always thought that maybe my mother was homeless and didn’t have the means to take care of me. Sometimes I think that maybe if she knew of a place like this, she wouldn’t have abandoned me.”

“Hayden,” I squeeze his hand, unable to stop my heart from beating twice as fast. Bloody hell, this guy…

“I’m not noble, Natasha. I’m being selfish, really,” he says.

But I don’t believe him for one second. My mind is made up. Everything I ever thought of Hayden Frost was utter bullshit. This man is inherently good, and thoughtful, and truly amazing. I can only hope he’ll tire of me soon and walk away so that I can keep what’s left of my wall intact.

“Okay, Hulk.” I smile and lead us into the kitchen area, where I start unpacking the goods in the box.

“Is it bad that I want to steal a cupcake and lick the frosting?” Hayden whispers into my ear from behind me.

“Very.” I laugh. “Go make yourself useful. Maybe play with the kids for a minute or something.”