Page 11 of Frost My Cookie

He’s even more gorgeous than I remembered, none of the late-night fantasies doing him justice.

“Hi, Sugar,” he says in his rich voice, and my womblands melt for him once again.

I am gone.

No, I need to be gone.Leave now, Tasha. Run, just run.

But my feet are not moving as my eyes stay glued to his face.

“Hulk,” I whisper.

“It’s Hayden, actually.”



“I mean, nice name.”

He chuckles. “You’re exactly as I remember. Although more beautiful.”

“It’s only been a few days.”

“I’m sorry for that,” he brushes an invisible piece of lint off the sleeve of his coat.

“You are?”

“Yes, I would have been here sooner, but I had to go out of town for business the day after we met.”

“You did?”

“Yes, I just got back a couple of hours ago. I’m glad you were still open.”

“Oh.” I blink. Then blink again. This guy is mighty smooth. “Closed, actually. As per the sign on the door.” I cross my arms in front of my chest defiantly.

His gaze drops to my boobs, and I have the distinct feeling that if this wasn’t some sort of power play standoff, he’d be right in front of them saying, ‘Hello, ladies’.

“I didn’t notice.” the half smile is back. “Whatcha have there?” He takes a step forward, looking down at the box on the counter.

“Nothing,” I say, pushing the box away. “You need to leave.”

“You owe me cookies. I came here to collect my order.”

“Your order?”

“The cookies you were meant to deliver to the Christmas party.”

Ah. So that’s the reason he showed up. My chest pings with hurt, but I know it’s for the best. Keep it professional, and keep the bloody clothes on.

“I’m pretty sure you got two hundred dick cookies in that deal.”

“And they were all delicious. But they weren’t the cookies I ordered.”

“You ate all of them already?” My eyes are huge as I ask.

He nods. “And I want more.”

“Where the hell did they go?” I muse, eyeing him up. His abs are not looking any less hard than the last time I had the pleasure of seeing them. Actually, just thinking of the last time I saw his abs has me salivating, so I should probably stop that.