Page 34 of Frost My Cookie

“The office is closed for visitors.” He tells my boobs.

“Right. But you see, I’m not exactly a visitor. Hayden and I. Well, Mr. Frost and I are…” What exactly? We’ve never labeled it. But didn’t he practically tell me he loves me last night? I guess, he never said the words, but he said I was everything he ever wanted.Andwe made love.

“Are… what exactly?” The security guard finally meets my eyes.

“Uhmm… dating. I was going to surprise him.”

He laughs. “Nice try. But if you were dating, you’d know he wasn’t here.”

“He isn’t?” My eyebrows knit. “He said he needed to stop by the office,” I say to myself, my heart speeding up. Would he lie to me?

The security guy takes pity on me because, with a sigh, he says, “Listen. I’m not saying he wasn’t here this morning. But he’s left already.”

I bite my lip. “Thank you,” I tell him in a small voice. My heart is still racing, though. “Would it be okay if I use the bathroom before I leave?”

“Sure. It’s just there.” He motions at a set of doors by the entrance.

I make my way, thoughts running through my head. There’s no reason for me to feel the dread seeping into my veins. He didn’t lie. He was here. He probably went home for a shower and a change of clothes before I see him again. But… Where is home exactly? It’s not like he’s ever told me. Or invited me. Is that a red flag?

“Stop it, Tasha,” I snap at myself in the mirror after washing my hands. “You’re spiraling.”

And I am. I’m letting the crazy out, and I need to stop that.

“Deep breaths. He’s not like the others.” I smooth my hair and walk out of the bathroom, waving goodbye to the security guard as he watches me leave. Not creepy at all.

As soon as I am out in the fresh air, I feel better. Taking a large breath of cold air, I turn to my car, taking a step then stop.

It’s him.

And he’s not alone.


My heart stops as I watch him mere meters from where I’m standing, taking another woman’s hand in his and looking at her with awe in his eyes.

He hasn’t noticed me. It would have been difficult since he’s so focused on…her. My lungs suddenly feel too full, only shallow breaths able to escape as I take a step forward.It’s not what it looks like.I have to trust him. And it’s not like they’re kissing or hugging. I’ve read enough romance novels to know that this sort of thing is usually a misunderstanding. The heroine draws conclusions before she knows all the facts. And as much as my insides are twisting, I’ll be damned before I make any assumptions.

I’m about to say Hayden’s name, draw his attention to me. There’s bound to be a good explanation to what’s happening, right? He wouldn’t just mess around with me for the thrill of it, then hop onto the next flower the minute I fell.Right?

Then he smiles at her and opens his mouth. My world shattering as his words pierce my heart.

“You’re everything I always hoped for.” There’s no traffic, no honking, no street sounds to distort his deep voice as he repeats the words he said to me last night to…her.

My hand flies to my chest, desperate to cover the gaping hole where my heart used to be. I don’t know how I’m not sobbing uncontrollably. Or how I manage to put one foot in front of the other and walk past them as they embrace. Not caring when I hear Hayden call my name. Not caring that the future in front of me is looking as bleak as the London weather in December.

Except it doesn’t. I ignore Hayden’s shouts and get into my car, putting the seatbelt on and pulling out of my parking spot. I’ve got something to live for.I touch my belly, taking a right onto Main Street.Someone.

I don’t need a man. I don’t need Hayden and the empty words he seems to recycle with each new victim. I could close down the bakery and move back to England. I could be closer to my family. Withmylittle family. The little baked bean and I.

I’m resolved that this is the right thing to do, a calm washing over me as I walk into my apartment. Taking stock of everything I own. It’s a lot. But I could give most things to the shelter and pack the essentials only. The bakery might be harder to let go of, but I can always open one in Cambridge. It’ll be like starting over again, but—

A loud knock interrupts my thoughts. I still.

“Natasha, it’s me.”

I shake my head ‘no’. but he can’t see me, so he knocks on the door. Louder this time. “I know you’re there, open up.” I stay silent. “Please.”

How would he even know I’m here? I could have gone anywhere!