Page 46 of Turning the Tide

"It's okay," he sighs, "I don't want to leave her, but every time I go up, it's a risk, and the thought of her never calling me daddy makes me lose my mind. I want to hear those words, Hanna. On her time of course."

Shit. I find tears pooling behind my eyes, threatening to stream down my face. I'm pretty choked up and distraught, but we decide to tell her together and hope for the best.

I pull the covers up over my legs and type out a text to Karly.

Hanna- We are going to tell Ellie tomorrow.

Karly- Good luck. She will understand Han, she has your heart.

Hanna- I hate him. I try not to for Ellie, but it's hard.

Karly- You love him. There's a fine line between love and hate.

Hanna- You would know, how is your rockstar boyfriend?

Karly- You mean John Doe from the bar the other night?

Hanna- Yeah.

Karly- Let's just say it didn't work out.

Hanna- Your standards are too high. You are gonna be the creepy old single lady with all the cats.

Karly- Men piss me off. At least I'd die a happy woman with all my fur babies.

Hanna- Hahaha, I'll find you a good guy… Just give me time.

Karly- Better hurry. My vagina is getting dusty.

I laugh to myself, remembering all the guys I've set her up with. She always needs the rescue call.

Every. Single. Time.

Then I feel bad because I'm the one who set her up. To be fair, she has impossibly high standards, but still, I tell her not to settle. She'll find him one day, and he'll be perfect, and if I can find him for her, then I'll be able to rub it in until the end of time. Another text comes through.

Karly- Let me know how it goes. You got this.

I plug my phone up, sliding it onto my nightstand, attempting to process precisely what tomorrow will look like for Ellie. I don't want her to be upset, and I certainly don't want her to be angry with me because I didn't tell her the truth. An aggravated groan escapes, and I put my hand over my mouth, remembering Ellie is right next to me. I roll over in the bed and admire the mini version of myself and the boy I once adored.