Page 81 of Turning the Tide

"Do you think she will give you trouble with seeing her?"

I sigh, "Honestly, no. I think she had her reservations at first, but we both just want what's best for Ellie."

"That's good, bro. I know my sister had an insane custody battle with her ex-husband. Cost her thousands of dollars, and now all they do is fight, and my nephews are miserable."

I offer him a lopsided smile, wondering if we really are on the same page. I mean, I thought we were, but do I need something from the court saying that I have rights to Ellie? Hell, do I even have any rights? I'm not on her birth certificate. At least, I don't think so. I know I didn't sign it. She doesn't even have my last name. Worry clouds my vision as the checks are placed on the table.

I toss cash inside, not wanting to wait for my debit card to come back, and Dojo and Cuddy do the same.

Dojo has a smug look on his face, strolling out of the restaurant like he's ten feet tall.

"What the fuck are you grinning about?" Cuddy asks, pushing the glass door open.

He hands over his receipt, the waitress' name and number scribbled down at the bottom with a heart.

"You lucky bastard!" Cuddy huffs, "Those were the worst pickup lines I've ever heard."

Dojo just keeps strolling, a little bit of swagger in his step, "Yeah, well, you don't have my face," he looks back, pulling his sunglasses down over his eyes, "Or my game."

We both look at each other, cackling before climbing into the truck to leave.

I look out the window, not able to shake the worry from my mind. I think about what it must've been like not having her father around these past five years. I think about what it was like for Hanna, doing everything by herself. She still hasn't sent me any account information. Does she even want my help?

Does Eric support Ellie?

I mean, I know he doesn't live there with them, but from what Judson says, they are pretty serious, and it fucking kills me that I don't hate him.

There isn't a single thing to dislike.

I've tried.

He's pretty much the perfect dude, and unfortunately for me, Hanna seems to think so too.

I pull up Instagram, Hanna's profile displayed on my screen. It's filled with pictures of her life. The most recent, a photo of her and Eric.

She's so beautiful.

She's sitting on his lap, his hand resting on her bare thigh. Pure jealousy washes over me. I swipe to see the rest of the pictures, Ellie catching fish, Eric helping her. It's like I don't even exist.

I remember so many years that I would pull this page up. Too scared to friend her, too afraid to reach out. The only thing I could ever see was her profile picture.

It tormented me.

22 Years Old

"Why?" Doc asks, peering at me over the rim of his glasses.

"Because of what happened."

"Tell me more."

"I don't want to talk about her."

"Jameson, the quicker you realize that we have to talk about all of your relationships, the quicker we can get to the bottom of what triggers you."

"Yeah, that would be good. I'm sick of paying you."

He laughs, turning his pen over and over in his hand, "What do you think went wrong?"