Page 78 of Turning the Tide

Wrote it in my letter, anything.

Things have always been hard. I just wonder if he could've made them easier.

20 Years Old

"Mama, I know that. You think I don't know that?" I groan, annoyed with her.

"Honey, I'm just sayin' that it would be good if you could move before you start showing. We don't need that brother of his runnin' his mouth and bringing him back only to make things worse for you."

My mother doesn't know the first thing about what I need.

"Jameson doesn't care, ma. He left, and he won't be back. The Air Force owns him. You know all about that."

My daddy's eyes jerk up from his notepad he's writing in, "Air Force?"

I haven't been home in quite some time, and now that I'm visiting, it's the first they're learning about the baby and about Jameson leaving town.

"Yeah, He's at the academy."

My dad's eyes go wide, "I didn't realize he had the type of grades that could get him in or the recommendations for that matter."

I shake my head, "He does. He's got nearly a perfect GPA, just not real smart when it comes to love."

I look down at my belly, hidden beneath the State football hoodie that belongs to him.

"You don't want to tell him about the baby?"

My mother chimes in before I get the chance, "Lord Elliott that is a terrible idea. That boy needs anything but a baby."

My dad's voice is stern and choppy, "Madison, this is Hanna's baby. If she wants to tell Jameson, that is her choice. Not yours."

I sigh, "No, she's right, daddy. I can't tell him. He's going to be flyin' all over the world soon. There's no place in his life for me and this baby."

My dad nods, looking back down at the paper, Adam strolling in with a smirk on his face, "So sis, heard you went and got yourself knocked up. I can't wait to teach the kid bad words."

I flip him off, earning a stern look from my mother, "Hanna, dear, don't be ugly."

I roll my eyes. God forbid Adam does a single thing wrong.

I walk out the back door, sinking into one of the patio chairs. Letting my tears fall as I look out into the field of vines.

"It's gonna be okay, you know."

I look up, Adam sitting in the chair opposite me. I roll my eyes, wiping my cheeks on the sleeve of my shirt. Like he knows anything at all.

"Bunny, why are you so upset?"

"Just go away, Adam."

He grabs my hand, not budging from his seat. I look up at him, his gaze the most sincere I've ever seen, well, at least from him.

"You are going to be okay, you hear me? We are going to take care of you."

I laugh, not meaning to sound like such a bitch, "Adam, you don't know the first thing about how fucked-up this is. Quit actin' like you give a shit about me all of a sudden."

He scoffs, "That's what you think? That I don't give a shit?"

I don't speak. I just pull my legs into the chair underneath my bottom.