Page 18 of Turning the Tide

He nods, a grin spreading across his face, one I wasn't quite expecting, "I can't believe I have a niece. Well, I always kind of knew but now that it's out in the open, wow."

"Judson," I warn, "you can't tell anyone. I haven't spoken to Eric about Jameson, and I don't know what I will tell Ellie." I sigh, nervously fidgeting with my hair, "If I tell her."

"That's up to you. You know if you need anything you can always come to us. I told you that the day you moved here with Ellie, and I still mean it."

"I know, Judson, and I appreciate that, but we are not your responsibility. We're fine, even with Adam gone."

"Jay is confused, completely in shock, and maybe even a little scared. He's going to come around though, you know him better than anyone. He's not going to just disappear again."

"I haven't seen or spoken to him in over five years. I'd hardly say I know him."

He looks down to his feet, clearly remembering how he left. How he just up and walked away from all of us. The love Judson has for him is unwavering. No matter the circumstance, I always knew that. "You both went through a lot back then."

I nod, confirming his statement. He doesn't even know half of it. A lot isn't even a good word for what we went through. More like a magnitude of bullshit.

"We love Ellie, Hanna. Maybe JC more than anyone. Just promise me that no matter what happens with Jameson, you won't take her from us."

"You know I wouldn't. Now scoot, my first kid is due any second."

He stands, offering me a hug, one that screams, "I always knew you were meant to be part of our family," and walks out the door.

Truthfully, I never told Judson because I knew he'd tell Jameson. Maybe that's selfish of me, but that's just the way it is. I also never wanted them to feel sorry for me, for us. I just wanted to protect Ellie from everything, I didn't want to see her upset, and if that makes me selfish, then I'm selfish.