Page 119 of Turning the Tide



3 Months Later…

"He still won't answer my calls." I snap, slamming the phone down on the couch.

"Well, he's hurt. Maybe he just wants to be alone." Jay cringes unclipping Jet's leash from his collar. "I feel bad for him, but I'm also thankful as hell. It's weird."

"I just want to talk. Maybe I should just ambush him at the hospital or something."

"That's a terrible idea. When he's ready to talk, maybe he'll reach out. I bet he misses Ellie."

I look down, thinking about how close they were, my heart breaking a little bit.

"I feel so guilty," I admit, "I love you so much, but it still hurts to think that he's hurting because of me."

Jameson moves around the living room we now share, picking up all of Jet's toys. Ellie busts into the room, showing us her painting, my phone blaring from the kitchen counter catching my attention.

I was hoping for Eric, but it's Karly, so I pick up, "Hey."

"Hey, Hanna. Sorry, I missed your call. It's been a busy week."

"Karly, you have been dodging me for a few weeks. Why is that? Did we have some fight that I'm unaware of?"

"No," she sighs, "It's just… I've been busy, ok?"

"Is it the new guy you've been seeing, Mr. Casual?"

"Yeah, I gotta run, Hanna. I'll come to see you tomorrow, alright?"

"You're acting so weird, but ok."

She hangs up, the other end of the line going dead. She's been strange lately, always canceling our plans. Not coming by to see Ellie like she usually does, it's all just… odd. Maybe she's fucking around with Ashton again. I'm going to talk with her tomorrow. I think it may be that she's salty about Jameson. She needs to know that he's changed, though. That everything is different now. It's nothing like it was back in college.

Jameson tries to talk me out of it, but I decide that I'm going to Eric's for the first time since walking away from our wedding. I'm going to just show up and hope that he talks to me. That we can get past it and remain, well… friends.

For Ellie.

I pull up outside his house, with no cars in the driveway, which isn't unusual. He usually parks in the garage. I walk up the sidewalk and ring the doorbell. Waiting for any sign of life. I glance down at the keys in my hand. I do have a key.


I can't do that. I need to give him his key back. I slip it off the ring, placing it under the mat. I guess this conversation isn't happening today. I turn back down the sidewalk, stopping in my tracks at the sound of Eric's voice. He's outside.

Is someone else here?

I walk around the side of the house, and the pool deck comes into view. Eric's hand is threaded through the hair of a woman, his lips on hers. Her legs wrapped around his waist, her yellow bikini easily visible through the water.

Bile piles up in the back of my throat, I know that bikini.

I gasp, stumbling backward into the gate, causing it to swing into the fence. The banging sound jerking both of their heads in my direction.

"I… uh…"

Eric and Karly rip apart, shuffling to get as far apart as possible.

"Hanna?" Eric starts, my mind totally fucked from what I am witnessing.