Ellie takes Jet out one last time before going to bed, Jet climbing right up next to her. She hasn't mentioned going home like the other times before. "What if I wake up and I'm scared and want my mom?"
"Then I'll take you home. Do you want to go home right now?" I ask, brushing her hair out of her face.
"Well, I can't leave Jet here alone on his first night."
I smile, laying down next to her, "What if I sleep right here?"
She nods, cuddling into my arm, and it isn't three minutes, and she's asleep.
My phone vibrates on her nightstand as I slip my arm out from under her to reach it.
Hanna- Does Ellie want to come home?
Jameson- She's asleep.
I take a picture of Ellie and Jet cuddled up and send it to Hanna.
Hanna- You got her a dog?
Jameson- No, we got us a dog.
Hanna- Oh, well, I wish you would've talked to me about it first.
I'm a little confused, not exactly sure what to say.
Jameson- I'm sorry, I didn't think I needed to ask you, especially for a dog that lives at my house.
Hanna- I just meant so I could've talked to Ellie about how much work it's going to be.
Jameson- We had that talk.
Hanna- Without me.
Jameson- Yeah, most of our talks are without you. I guess they probably always will be.
Hanna- Don't be an ass.
Jameson- Don't be your mother.
Hanna- I hate you.
Jameson- I'll bring Ellie home tomorrow, so she can get ready for the big day this weekend.
Hanna- Did you get your invitation? It was Ellie's idea. I hope that isn't weird.
Jameson- As long as you are happy.
She doesn't respond, and I put the phone down. I don't know why I even bother thinking she'd want to talk. It's not like she's going to change her mind now. It's too late. I'm too late.
My phone vibrates again, and I nearly drop it, trying to check it quickly.
Judson- Blakely had the baby. Sorry, it happened so fast, so we didn't really have the time to tell anyone. She and the baby are okay.
Jameson- It's about time. Ellie and I will come by in the morning if that's okay. Ellie has been so excited.
Unlike with JC, Blakely was a week past due. They thought she'd have the baby and be okay for Hanna's wedding. I guess the baby had other plans.
Judson- That's fine. See you then.