Page 102 of Turning the Tide


"Daddy, can we get a dog?" Ellie beams, "Oh, or a bunny!"

I just stare at her, wondering what it's going to feel like to tell her no when I don't want to ever tell her no.

"Ellie, a pet is a lot of responsibility."

"Oh, daddy, I know! I would feed it, and clean up after it and teach it to play dead."

"What about when you're at your mom's?"

Her head tilts downward, "Oh, I didn't think about that."

She tilts Hanna's copy-and-paste eyes up to me, "I don't suppose you'd help with the dog?"

Damn it.

"Well, babe, I work a lot."

"Yeah, maybe I could take the dog with me to my mom's when I go."

"Let's not spring that on your mom right now with the wedding this weekend."

The sparkle in her eye dims when I mention the wedding, and as much as I don't want to talk about it, I want to cheer her up. "Aren't you excited to be a flower girl? It's an important job."

"I guess so," She shrugs, picking her blanket up off the couch, attempting to escape to her room. My heart sinks. I don't want her to be upset about the wedding. I really can't believe she is. She likes Eric. I know she does.

"Let's go," I blurt, caving in.

"Go where?"

"Let's go get a dog."

"What!" She squeals, jumping and running all through the house.

"Yeah, I've always wanted one too. It can be our dog."

Ellie's eyes light right back up, the exact same look that I miss seeing in Hanna's eyes. The look she gave me at homecoming when she jumped into my arms in that ridiculous shirt, or the time I talked her into sneaking into the pool on campus. She had the flicker of wildness when we were jumping fences at the airport after getting caught by security. Ellie has that same look right now.

"I gotta go change," Ellie rambles, "Oh my goodness!"

We hop into my truck, Ellie's words going a mile a minute with excitement. We pull into the shelter, and I open Ellie's door as she jumps down into the parking lot.

I laugh as her boots hit the pavement, thinking of what Hanna's mother would think about the way she's dressed. I didn't have her in mind when buying her clothes, well, when I asked Lexie to fill her closet. I just said I needed a few dress outfits, some play clothes, and just stylish kid stuff. I think she looks adorable in these blue jeans and riding boots, but it also warms my heart that she isn't forced into a dress when she doesn't want to wear it. I can see why Hanna came back here, and I'm glad my little girl can be a kid and express herself.

I even learned to braid. I figured if I could fly a plane, I could braid Ellie's hair. It wasn't that hard and looks good now that I've done it a few times.

"Is this where we get a dog?"

I can tell she's a little skittish, the barking of all the dogs and the environment isn't ideal.

"Well, these dogs need homes. They need to be rescued."

"Like a princess?"

"Sort of, I guess."

We walk through the rows and rows of kennels, dogs barking and scratching at the crates. Ellie remains calm, "How do we know which one to rescue?"