“Do you think I have upset him?” she asked in a curious and devious manner.

“I have never seen him so quiet, Beatrice,” her grandmother responded, nudging her granddaughter with her elbow. “Let us hope this victory has not inspired some new rage in him.”

Beatrice shuddered to think what else her guardian might be capable of, but before she could think too long upon the subject, Minnie came striding into the room. Beatrice bent down to kiss her grandmother’s cheek and then rushed over to her friend who waved off a servant when she heard Beatrice call out, “There you are, Minnie! Come, I have much to tell you!”

She took hold of the bride-to-be’s hand and lead her into the library. “Oh, my goodness, Beatrice! What has caused such behavior?” Minnie laughed, thinking back to when her friend would have never displayed such strength of emotion in public.

Nearly overflowing with enthusiasm, Beatrice announced, “Anthony has asked for my hand in marriage!” She was just as thrilled about it now as she had been the night before, and it showed in the way her once-calm manner had been replaced by vibrant vivacity.

Much like Penelope’s had, Minnie’s eyebrows shot up, and she almost jumped for joy herself. “Oh, Beatrice! I cannot believe our plan worked! Tell me, how did it feel to trick him?”

Again, Beatrice decided to keep the intimate details between herself and Anthony, but she did say in a cheerful tone, “We told each other the truth last night, so now he knows everything as I do. There was no need for me to lie as I had intended to, for he truly loves me. Can you believe it, Minnie?”

Her best friend wore a teasingly suspicious look. “Honestly, no I cannot, but if you believe him to be a good man, Beatrice, then I shall, too.” Beatrice was about to ask Minnie about her night out with Mr. DeLancy, but then her countenance became a mask of horror.

“Wait! If you told him everything, then you must have mentioned how we followed them,” Minnie gasped, and Beatrice could practically see her heart leaping from her chest, “and surely Anthony will tell my betrothed that I was there with you, and then–”

“I did not mention you,” Beatrice interrupted, gesturing placatingly. “Do not trouble yourself, Minnie, please. And I am sure that what I said in confidence to Anthony will remain as such.”

Minnie sighed with relief, placing her hand on her chest. “For a moment, I thought the wedding might have been canceled – thank goodness it will not be.”

Beatrice hugged her friend and said, “Well, now that you are caught up on my business, tell me all about last night.” And Minnie did.


Beatrice’s scent was still present on his pillows when Anthony woke. He thought, at first, that his beloved had climbed into bed with him and was disappointed to learn that it was only the phantom memory of her pulling him from sleep. Anthony buried his face further in his pillows, chasing that sensation but was disturbed by a curt knock at his door.

He barely got the covers up over his chest before Brandon Grayson strode in, declaring, “It is nearly breakfast time, Anthony. Why are you not dressed?”

Anthony huffed, shielding his eyes when his grandfather threw open his curtains, spilling sunlight into the room. “I just woke up,” he muttered. “Can a man not have a moment to gather himself in the morning?”

Lord Randlay arched an eyebrow at his grandson. “Not after the news I have heard floating about the place. Apparently, you have asked for Miss Beatrice’s hand in marriage without consulting me first.”

Sitting up against the headboard, Anthony explained, “We spoke last night, and she told me the truth about her and Lord Ivanry. And, I suppose, that inspired some strength of feeling in me, for I told her I love her, and she replied in kind.”

When his grandfather only continued to stare down at him exasperatedly, Anthony continued, “I thought it showed good character for her to have been honest with me even though I already knew everything. Please, Grandfather, I know I have had trouble with her in the past, but nothing will make me change my mind about this.”

The Viscount sat heavily in the chair by Anthony’s dresser, a movement that was uncharacteristic of a distinguished gentleman such as himself. He gruffly inquired, “Are you sure that you love her, Anthony?”

“With my whole heart.”

“Well, she is not the Viscountess I would have chosen for you,” Lord Randlay conceded, “but perhaps this is one instance where I must let you make your own decision. After all, I am not sure there are many ladies who would take you give up your…reputation.”

When Anthony’s expression grew confused, his grandfather chuckled, elaborating, “As of late, I have seen how little you care for charming anyone other than her, Anthony. A man only does that when he is truly committed, especially a man like you.”

The Viscount rapped his thighs with his hands decisively and stood, “Needless to say, it is time for you to join us downstairs, Anthony. I do not think it appropriate for you to make this announcement at breakfast, but perhaps afterward, you may discuss your proposal with Lord Ivanry and myself.”

Anthony nodded and was surprised when his grandfather placed a hand on his shoulder, “I am proud of your decisiveness, Anthony, as I am of many other things you have done.”

With that small compliment, the Viscount left, and Anthony put on one of his best suits in the hopes of impressing Lord Ivanry.

* * *

Beatrice and Anthony spent nearly every moment together once they were officially engaged. She had not been present during the meeting between her suitor, her guardian, and Lord Randlay, but Beatrice could only assume Anthony had made a good impression. Or at least his wealth had.

When they were not helping the Saumons set up for Minnie and Mr. DeLancy’s wedding, Beatrice and Anthony strolled about the grounds or conversed in the drawing room with Penelope and Mr. Morrison. There was never a time of more good cheer, for there were three blossoming relationships under the Saumon roof, and each was as well-matched as anyone could have hoped for.

The morning of the wedding, Beatrice was helping Minnie with her gown when the bride quietly murmured, “I must confess I am anxious about tonight, Beatrice. After we saw Mr. DeLancy that night at the brothel, I have been concerned about fulfilling my wifely duties to his liking.” She looked up at Beatrice from beneath her lashes timidly. “I would not even know where to start.”