“I suppose you are right, but I feel I must take my time with this,” Anthony responded with slight chagrin as the four of them descended the stairs to make their way back into the grand hall. Mr. DeLancy only had time to nod before Miss Saumon was grasping his elbow and pulling him in the direction of the piano, asking for her betrothed to play something.

Anthony offered his own arm to Beatrice, and she graciously took it, holding tightly as she could before letting go at the sight of some of the members of their party drifting out into the hall to hear Mr. DeLancy’s music. It hurt Anthony’s heart to have to secretly court Beatrice in his own way, but perhaps soon, he could do so publicly.

* * *

Beatrice, too, found herself growing even more fond of Anthony as the days passed. What had begun as a mere attraction because of his easiness on the eyes had grown into something rather like love, she thought. Of course, it was still tainted by everything with Lord Ivanry, but Beatrice could still see a way for herself and Anthony to be happily together one day.

On one of the nights before the wedding, the Saumons held a small soiree for their friends and neighbors in honor of the upcoming nuptials. Lady Ivanry had taken her granddaughters aside beforehand to stress to them the importance of this event.

“Now, remember what I have told you, girls,” their grandmother warned, her right hand firmly gripping her mahogany cane. “This could be the chance for Penelope to find a suitor other than Lord Ivanry. So, Beatrice, I need you to entertain Mr. Grayson as much as you can tonight so that Lord Ivanry’s attention will be somewhere other than Penelope.”

Beatrice nodded, her lips forming a firm line to disguise her excitement at being allowed to spend the entire evening near Anthony. Penelope began to twist her evening gloves in her hands anxiously, and Beatrice reached out to comfort her sister. “Do not worry yourself, Penny. You are sure to be one of the finest girls at the small gathering tonight, and I have no doubts that any new gentlemen who arrive will be drawn to you.”

“Thank you, Tris,” Penelope said, breathing deeply to steel her nerves. “I will do my best to make you both proud.” The three women embraced, whispering words of encouragement to each other before leaving Beatrice’s chamber to join the party downstairs.

Though it was less lively than the engagement ball, the Saumons still seemed to have their share of jubilant guests who mingled with the company already present. Beatrice stayed close to Pandora and Penelope, waiting for her grandmother to begin the hunt for suitors before slipping away to find Anthony.

As luck would have it, a gentleman came in the front door who turned Penelope’s head at once. He looked not even two-and-twenty, still lanky and boyish, but the man carried a certain disarming charm that Beatrice knew her sister would appreciate. Beatrice felt her heart swell with happiness when the gentleman caught Penelope’s gaze, and though her sister turned away bashfully, the man strode over to their small group immediately.

Thankfully, before propriety could be breached, Mr. DeLancy appeared with Miss Saumon so that the gentleman could be properly introduced to the Ivanry ladies. “Ah, there you are!” Mr. DeLancy greeted, accepting the newcomer's handshake warmly. “Mr. Adam Morrison, you already know Miss Saumon, but allow me to introduce Lady Ivanry and her granddaughters.”

Mr. Morrison bowed politely to Pandora who returned his formality with a small curtsy before gesturing to the girls behind her. “This is my oldest granddaughter, Miss Penelope Ivanry, and my youngest, Miss Beatrice. Tell us, did you have a pleasant journey this evening?”

“I did indeed, My Lady,” Mr. Morrison said, unable to stop his mirthful eyes from flitting over to Penelope. “I was not expecting such wonderful company though I should have known Lord and Lady Saumon would have invited such welcoming people as yourselves.”

Lady Ivanry took the compliment kindly and asked him something Beatrice did not catch, for she was too busy meeting Minnie’s playful stare. Pandora Ivanry secretively gave Beatrice permission to go spend time with Anthony by saying, “Beatrice, dear, would you go ask the band over there to play something the young people can dance to? I believe Lord and Lady Saumon will not mind if we celebrate Mr. DeLancy and Miss Saumon with some livelier music.”

Beatrice smiled and said, “Of course, Grandmother,” excusing herself quickly after giving Penelope a reassuring pat on the shoulder. She did as the matronly woman suggested so as not to draw suspicion, and then, when the five-piece band began a new song, she sought out Anthony. She spotted him across the room, talking with Mr. Laughton and Mr. Thyme and a young woman Beatrice was not acquainted with yet. She watched for a moment, even as couples began to gather in the center of the room to dance, as Anthony laughed at something the unknown lady said, his sky-blue eyes crinkling in a way that Beatrice thought was only reserved for herself.

There was a pain in her heart then, that had not been present since their intimate meeting at the lake, which came from Anthony’s rakish status.

Of course, he is interested in other ladies! Have you forgotten that he wagered on you with Mr. Laughton in such a way that he could not possibly see you as more than another conquest?

Though jealousy was unbecoming, Beatrice could not help how it bubbled in her stomach when the woman touched Anthony’s elbow with familiarity. As the dancers began to swirl in front of Beatrice, she contemplated what to do. She could return to where her grandmother, Mr. Morrison, and Penelope were talking – Minnie and Mr. DeLancy had since joined the throng of couples cavorting to the music – or Beatrice could wait for the stranger to leave Anthony’s side.

Beatrice was a woman of conviction, so when she had promised to keep Anthony entertained and thus Lord Ivanry interested tonight, she could not shirk away from her duty. At the moment, that did not seem especially important, however, for Lord Ivanry was animatedly conversing with Lord Saumon and another distinguished gentleman Beatrice did not recognize. She could not hear their words but had every hope that it was related to wealth or status or some other topic that Lord Ivanry was fond of.

When Beatrice returned her attention to Anthony, she found he had disappeared, leaving the coquettish woman in the presence of Mr. Laughton and Mr. Thyme. As the music sped up in tempo, Beatrice’s eyes darted wildly around the room in search of Anthony, but it became increasingly difficult as the dancing couples began to obscure her vision with their twirling bodies.

Rapid eighth notes and the swelling song of a violin filled her ears as Beatrice placed a hand on her breast to calm her beating heart. She had no idea why the search for a man such as him quickened her pulse so, but Beatrice suddenly found herself desperate to know where he was to quell the jealousy and unbidden lust churning within her.

All at once, a warm palm caressed her shoulder, and Beatrice turned to stare at Anthony who was smiling down at her. “Who were you looking for, Miss Beatrice?” he asked though Beatrice suspected he already knew the answer.

She swallowed once to whet her tongue and throat so that it would not sound breathy when she replied, “No one in particular, Mr. Grayson. I was merely enjoying the party.” Beatrice hoped that sounded convincing enough as a lie for him to drop the inquiry altogether, but unfortunately, Anthony seemed to be a master detective when it came to a lady’s physical cues.

“Is that so? Why not tell me why you desire my company, and I can assist you in every way I know how.” Until she had spotted him with the strange woman, Beatrice would have thought this flirtation harmless and arousing, but now, it vexed her as much as it thrilled her.

Beatrice stoked the fire in her tone, but kept it playful enough to seem coy when she replied, “I do desire your company, Mr. Grayson, but I did not wish to interrupt the woman you were already charming.” She was shocked by how readily the bluntness in her words appeared but held fast, her gaze like steel as the rest of her body remained relaxed enough to not draw attention.

Anthony chuckled good-naturedly. “She is merely an old friend, Miss Beatrice. You should not trouble yourself with inventing problems though I must admit, it warms my heart to hear you speak so possessively.” Beatrice laughed quietly at that, a dry and disbelieving sound, but nevertheless, she played her hand as expected in this gamble for love.

“Perhaps I may show you the depths of my covetousness another time, Mr. Grayson,” Beatrice murmured, “but for now, I think it only fitting that you ask for my hand in the next dance.” They both knew that such a public display of courtship would no doubt cause rumors, but Beatrice hoped Anthony would not back down from her daring challenge.

“There is nothing that would please me more, Miss Beatrice,” he replied, blue eyes as cool and as sharp as an icicle. “You seem in such a fiery mood tonight that I wonder whether I should douse the flame or add kindling.” Beatrice scoffed again, surprising herself at her newfound confidence borne of duty and defiance.

“You know how ladies are, Mr. Grayson,” Beatrice said, her lips curling in a smile she hoped looked sinfully tempting. “One moment, we are blushing at the sight of a man, and the next, we are hungering for more than his kind words and gentle touch.”

For once, it seemed Anthony was at a loss for words, and Beatrice relished in the power it brought her. “Touché, Miss Beatrice,” the rake finally whispered. “My lovely girl has become a worldly woman it seems, aware of all of its dealings and deceits.”