They stopped out front and waited for Eli to pull her black truck up. Eli had the door open and was waiting for Bridget to get inside, or to help her inside. It was not going to be easy. She folded up the knee scooter she’d been given and shoved it into the back seat.

“Are we ready?” Eli asked, a happy look on her face.

Bridget had always admired that about her. She was someone who always found the silver lining, the glass was always half full, and there was always light at the end of the tunnel. Bridget was the complete opposite, jaded and shattered.

“Yeah.” Bridget sighed, staring at the step up she was going to have to take. “This is going to be fun.”

“We’ve got you.” Eli stepped in and so did Jerica and another nurse. It took all of them, but Bridget finally managed to get into the truck and buckle herself in, although it was not going to be a comfortable drive toIndigoon the rough roads with a seatbelt pushing against her still-broken ribs. It was a necessary evil, and one she wished she could do without for at least one drive.

Eli slipped into the driver’s seat and grinned.

“What?” Bridget asked.

“I gave the cute nurse your cell number.”

Bridget wrinkled her nose. “You did what?”

“She’s cute. She obviously likes you. You can thank me later.”

“I don’t even have a phone.”

“Sure you do.” Eli handed a brand new cell phone over and still had that shit-eating grin on her lips. “I got it for you yesterday while I was in town since your other one got ruined in the accident.”

“Thanks.” Bridget stared at it. “I don’t think she’s going to call me.”

“Text, Bridge. Come on. She’ll text you.”

“She won’t.”

“I bet you she will, and if I win this, then you have to get married atIndigo. Deal?”

“Sure, because you’re insane, and that won’t happen.” Bridget shook her head, but at the same time, it felt so good to be over that awkward stage with Eli, to be able to talk like they were best friends again, and chat about girls. It was almost as if the breakup between them had never happened, and Bridget honestly couldn’t have asked for more right then. She needed a friend more than anything.

* * *

The drive toIndigowas so long, and Bridget’s ribs ached massively from sitting in one position. She managed to lean forward and push the door open, but looking at the ground below, she panicked. It was way too steep a drop for her, and there was no one but Eli to help her down.

Eli stepped into her view, her face bright and shining as always. “Jerica told me a tip to help you down.”

“What’s that?” Bridget stared, knowing she was pale from just the thought.

“She said slide down the seat until your feet touch. I’ll make sure you don’t fall, I promise.” Eli reached forward and put her hands on Bridget’s hips. “I’ve got you.”

“Are you sure?”

“Yeah. Your scooter is out, and we’ll get you to the house. Then we can take a break before going downstairs if you want.” Eli looked so sincere. Bridget had to trust her. There was no other option at this point.

Bridget bolstered herself and moved off the edge of the seat. True to her word, Eli grabbed her hips and held her so she didn’t fall. As soon as her good leg touched the ground, Bridget reached up and wrapped her good arm around Eli’s shoulder. Taking a deep breath, and a moment, Bridget pressed her forehead into Eli’s shoulder, breathing in that same musky scent she’d always appreciated.

“Thank you,” she whispered. Bridget knew she’d disrupted Eli’s life in an awful way, but this was all she could manage to do until she got better and could go someplace on her own. Or drive again, since it had been her entire right side that was crushed in the accident.

“Let’s get you inside.” Eli moved the knee scooter closer, and Bridget put her bad leg on it. She used her opposite hand to hold herself up and pushed forward. It was awkward on the dirt, but it was the best they could come up with for then. As they got to the stairs on the deck, Eli used her body to help Bridget maneuver up them. As they got into the house, Bridget stopped and stared at it.

She had not been there since Eli had started the renovations, and holy shit, it looked amazing. “Eli.”

“What?” Eli stared at her.

“This house is stunning. I can’t believe what you’ve done with it.”