“Yeah, but I can pay you more, especially if it’s only the two of us.”

“Where would we go?”

“Where the storms are.” Violet was confused now. There was no other place they needed to go, but she did need to catch at least one more storm to collect data.

“That’s not what I meant.” Lando scratched her head. “Did you think you could butter me up with sex before asking?”

“No,” Violet answered honestly. “I didn’t really plan to ask you this way. I thought we’d have dinner and then talk, but I should have anticipated this, since it seems to be our routine.”

Lando blushed. “You’re right about that. Except normally there’s a bit more reciprocation before serious conversations.”

Violet’s lips bowed upward. “Oh, I see. You don’t mix business with pleasure.”

“I don’t.”

Starting with their still tangled hands, Violet moved her way down Lando’s body, pressing as many kisses as she possibly could. She pulled at the straps as soon as she got to Lando’s hips, divesting her of the toy and tossing it to the head of the bed. She nipped the supple flesh on the inside of Lando’s thighs before finding her way back up.

“How would you like your pleasure today?”

Lando laughed. “Whichever way you want. Then I want to eat.”

“I thought that’s what I was about to do.”

Jerking upright, Lando gave her a hard stare. “Are you stealing my lines?”

Violet shrugged, giving Lando a direct look before she moved her tongue in a circle around Lando’s clit. Lando gave up and fell back to the bed, her arm thrown over her eyes again. Violet trailed her hand up to join her mouth, inserting one finger and swishing it back and forth as she sucked and moved her mouth.

Lando cried out, her moans growing louder as she got closer. Violet continued, wanting to give Lando as much pleasure as she’d just received. They could easily do this for hours, but Violet knew they wouldn’t that night. She wanted to talk, to plan out the rest of the summer.

As Lando’s body clenched against hers, Violet continued until Lando’s soft hand on her head beckoned her to stop. Violet moved so they were pressed together again, kissing Lando deeply just as Lando’s stomach rumbled loudly.

Laughing, Violet shook her head. “Did you forget to bring your lunch again?”


“We’ve got to find a better solution to that.”

“Like working together?”

Violet parted her lips, then nodded. “Yeah, if that’s something you would be interested in. We can go out whenever you want.”

“Tomorrow?” Lando asked, but the tone of her voice told Violet she was only teasing.

“There’s no storms within driving distance tomorrow.”

“Fine.” Lando rolled her eyes. “I would like the opportunity, just so that is clear.”

“Good.” Violet kissed her. “I promise it’ll be just be the two of us.”

“No Diane?”

“No.” Violet ran a single finger down Lando’s chest. “You and me.”

“Just the way it’s supposed to be.”

Violet raised her gaze to look Lando in the eye. “I love you. You know that.”

“Yeah, but I like to hear you say it. Often.”