“Sometimes?” Lando raised a bushy eyebrow. “Oh, Vi, that’s every day. But I suppose I do enjoy work some days.”

Chuckling, Violet bent down and captured Lando’s mouth with her own. “Go get the strap.”


“I wouldn’t have said it if I meant otherwise.”

Lando got up, and Violet finished undressing. Instead of lying on her back, Violet moved to the foot of the bed and held onto the footboard, her knees pressing into the mattress. She looked over at Lando, curious if she’d figure out exactly what she wanted.

Slathering the lube on with her hand, Lando came over and grinned. “I like it this way.”

“I know you do. I do, too.”

Lando moved in behind her, rubbing sticky hands over Violet’s breasts and teasing her nipples. She dropped kisses along Violet’s back, down to her ass, nipping lightly before moving upward again. Violet stayed right where she was, loving the attention Lando lavished on her.

“I’ve grown quite used to coming home to you,” Lando whispered into her ear, sending a shiver through Violet’s body.

“I won’t deny that I’ve grown fond of it as well. I was at my apartment earlier today, and I can’t remember the last time I slept there.”

“Three weeks ago, Tuesday,” Lando stated, so matter-of-factly.

Violet furrowed her brow, giving Lando a hard stare. “How do you remember that?”

Lando shrugged. “I’m good with dates.”

She was just about to respond when Lando pressed her hand between Violet’s legs, finding her clit between two of her fingers and scissoring them. Violet groaned, her entire body rocking forward at the sudden pleasure coursing through her.

“Like that?” Lando asked, a tease in her tone.

Violet wasn’t sure she would be able to speak, so she grunted and clenched her eyes shut. Lando brought her up almost to the edge of her orgasm before pulling away. With a hand on each of Violet’s hips, she knew what was coming next—the slide of the strap into her, the press of Lando’s hips against her ass. It was a slow intrusion, but it was the perfect pause in the teasing.

Reaching between her legs as Lando began thrusting, Violet resumed the teasing on her body that Lando had stopped. She pushed back into Lando with each thrust, finding the rhythm and gentle waves washing through her. She had gotten so used to this, to the comfort, the peace that she felt when they were together, the heights and pleasure Lando would bring her to before soothing her on the way down.

“Lando,” Violet said, her voice nearly breaking on the name.

“I’ve got you.” Lando wrapped an arm around Violet’s waist and held on until she crashed.

Violet slipped onto the bed, Lando lying next to her and trailing her fingers over Violet’s body in soothing patterns. Violet smiled, facing Lando and kissing her fully on the lips. When she pulled away, the words spilled from her lips.

“Will you go chasing with me?”

“What?” Lando was confused, rightfully so. Violet hadn’t prepped that conversation in the least and instead had dived straight toward the end.

“I’ve been thinking, and the season’s not over. I need to finish out my grant, which means I need to go out again, but—will you come with me?”

“You want me to go chasing with you?”

“Just me.” Violet turned on her side and curled her hand against Lando’s cheek. “I want to steal your love for storms.”

Lando flushed, flopping onto her back and putting a hand over her eyes. “You do pick the most random times for these conversations. Not over dinner, not when I get home, nope, after I’ve fucked you senseless. Maybe that’s what the problem is, all the sense has left your head.”

Giggling, Violet moved in closer and kissed her way down Lando’s neck to her chest. “I think I finally found my sense.”

Lando peeked an eye out at her. “I don’t mix business and pleasure, Vi.”

Confused, Violet leaned up on her elbow. “If I remember correctly, you’re the one who kissed me first, in Kansas, atIndigo, while we were working together.”

“Not what I meant.” Lando gripped Violet’s hand and laced their fingers together. “I have a job.”