Violet was just pulling dinner out of the oven when Lando came in the front door from her shift, right on time. She’d gone in early to get some extra hours in but knew she was going to stay for the full length of her shift. Violet let the casserole dish filled with pork chops and smothered in a homemade barbecue sauce sizzle as Lando came into the kitchen, dropping her jacket onto the back of the chair.

“It smells delicious.”

“I thought we could do something special for tonight.”

Lando cocked her head at Violet, definitely trying to read what was underlying those words. “Is there something to celebrate?”

“Well, it’s been a month.”

“It’s not that.” Lando pulled off her uniform shirt, leaving her only in a sports bra. Violet both hated and loved when she did that, but she understood Lando’s desire to get out of her dirty work clothes first thing. “I’m going to grab a quick shower, and I’ll be down for dinner.”

“Take your time.” Violet pressed her lips together hard, eyeing Lando’s hips and breasts as she turned and walked out of the kitchen. She was completely enamored, that much was obvious, and Violet was fully willing to live into that. She was enjoying it, actually.

As the pork chops cooled and the sauce set, she pulled out some fresh green beans she’d purchased and snapped the ends after washing them. She threw them into a large cast iron skillet that Lando had told her had been her grandmothers from when she’d gotten married, thus it was perfectly seasoned and she’d never get rid of it. Violet threw some butter and salt into the mix, letting the green beans cook slightly before she tossed in some chili powder on top for a hint of spice.

Her mother had been the one to teach her to cook, forever in the kitchen, and always telling her that as a woman, she needed to know these things. Sighing out the unwanted feelings, Violet focused on their meal. Lando’s warm hands around her middle surprised her, but the kiss on her neck was perfect.

“What did you get up to today?”

Violet stiffened at the thought of Diane, and then had to force herself to relax. “Well, there is something for you on the kitchen table.”

“Oh?” Lando left her.

Violet snuck a peek over her shoulder as she pulled the cooked beans off the stove top and went to grab plates. Lando found the check, which Violet had left in a sealed envelope on top of her computer. Lando looked confused as she opened the back of it, her eyebrows raising as she read what it was.

“What is this?” Lando stated.

“What you should have been paid for the two weeks you worked for us.” Violet set the plates on the counter and turned around to face Lando fully. “And I apologize again that Diane didn’t do that to begin with.”

“I don’t know what to say.”

“Say nothing. It’s what was owed to you. I’m also mailing Erik his check in the morning.”

“I bet he’ll be happy to get that.”

“I hope.” Violet sighed.

Lando dropped the check back onto the table and moved against Violet, pressing into her so their mouths touched in a sweet kiss. Her skin was still damp from the shower, her hair wet and clinging to her head. “You didn’t have to pay me though.”

“Actually, legally, I did.”

Laughing, Lando winked. “Fine, you win that one. I don’t have to deposit the check.”

“That is your choice.” Violet kissed her quickly. “And it would be a stupid decision to make.”

“I know. Thank you, for making it right.”

“I needed to.”

Lando kissed her again, this time lingering. Violet had gotten used to this over the last month, Lando coming home from work, making love, and spending the rest of the night together. She honestly couldn’t remember the last time she’d slept at her apartment, and more and more of her stuff was ending up at Lando’s in the meantime.

“Want to go upstairs and save dinner for later?” Lando whispered, her hand firmly on Violet’s hip.

“Yes,” Violet murmured.

Lando kept their hands locked as they went up the stairs. Lando was already stripping off her clean clothes as she entered the bedroom and walked toward the bed. Violet smiled to herself as she followed Lando’s cue and pulled her shirt over her head and snapped her bra off.

“Sometimes I think you would rather stay in bed all day every day than go to work.” Violet climbed onto the bed and straddled Lando’s already bare hips.