“I’d hoped as much.” Violet cupped the back of Lando’s head. “But before we do that, since it has been a while for me, why don’t we do something else.”

“Something like what?” Lando used the tip of her tongue against Violet’s neck, making designs and patterns that made no sense. Violet’s skin was salty, and she nipped lightly at it, kind of hoping she’d leave a mark. Violet scraped her nails against Lando’s scalp in response, so Lando did it again.

“Yes…that,” Violet breathed out the words, wrapping her legs around Lando’s hips to keep her in place.

“Do you perhaps like sex a little rougher?” Lando murmured. “A little more passionate.”

Violet whimpered. “Yes, but I will do anything with you. Please don’t stop.”

“I’m not planning on stopping anytime soon.” Lando reached down, found the edge of Violet’s shirt, and tugged it upward enough to get her hand underneath. Violet’s skin was so smooth, exactly like she’d thought it would be all those times she’d seen it. Moving her hand up higher, Lando found the dip at Violet’s waist. She brushed her thumb back and forth as she moved to take Violet’s mouth in another bruising kiss. “I don’t want to get out of this bed anytime soon either.”

“The feeling is mutual,” Violet murmured, her lips brushing against Lando’s. Violet skimmed her hand down Lando’s chest, bypassing her breasts, to the lower part of Lando’s belly. “May I?”

“God yes.” Lando kissed Violet’s cheek.

Violet didn’t hesitate as she pushed under Lando’s underwear. Lando flopped onto her side, pushing at her pants so she could wiggle out of them while Violet slid her fingers between her folds. It was awkward and messy, but Lando wouldn’t have it any other way. That had pretty much been everything with Violet since they’d met over twenty years ago.

When she was naked, Lando spread her legs to give Violet the best access possible. Violet bent her head and sucked Lando’s nipple into her mouth, swirling her tongue over the tight nub. Lando ran her fingers through Violet’s damp hair, tugging slightly and moaning. She hoped Violet liked it when she was loud.

“That feels so good,” Lando murmured.

Violet changed the pattern of her thumb against Lando’s clit, and Lando writhed in response. She’d wanted Violet to touch her like this for weeks—well, months, if she was being honest—and had never let herself fully fantasize about it because Violet was her teacher, because they were sharing a room, and then a bed.

Lando’s lips parted, her breathing quickening. The thunderstorm raged outside, rain pelting the windows, lightning flashing, and thunder roaring, but all Lando could think about was Violet’s hand between her legs, Violet’s still clothed body pressed against her side, Violet’s mouth on her breasts.

“Vi.” Lando swallowed hard, trying to find her voice that seemed to have suddenly disappeared. “Vi…oh.” She scrunched her nose up as the last boundary holding her back broke. Violet moved into her, and Lando rose higher and higher until she fell.

Violet softened her kisses, slowed her hand, but let Lando ride out her orgasm for as long as she possibly could. The kisses moved from each of her breasts, up her neck, to her chin, and then to her lips. Lando sighed into the embrace, holding Violet as close to her as possible, their tongues tangling lazily together as they each sought comfort and familiarity.

This was entirely new territory, but it didn’t seem that way in the grand scheme of things. Over the past three weeks, Lando had gotten to know Violet so well, every tic, every strength and weakness. Three weeks together had been intense and filled with enough drama to last them a lifetime. Lando pulled back, grinning up at Violet.

“You’re quite talented.”

Violet wrinkled her nose. “Wait until you see what I can do with my tongue.”

“See? Or feel?” That comment got the rise of color to Violet’s cheeks Lando had hoped for. Chuckling, Lando pulled at Violet’s clothes and tugged her shirt off before starting to work on her pants. “Come on, I want to feel you against me.”

Violet complied and helped Lando to remove her clothing. By the time they were done, Lando couldn’t stop kissing her. It was just as good as chasing. Once they had started, Lando hadn’t wanted to stop. She wanted to stay in the bed with Violet naked next to her as long as she possibly could. Lando straddled her, grinning as Violet raised her arms above her and gripped onto the bars on Lando’s ancient bed.

“Wanting something in particular?”

“Your mouth first. If you will.”

“Absolutely.” Lando shimmied down the bed, happy when Violet raised her knees up. Lando took her time, swirling her tongue, tasting, figuring out exactly how she wanted to do this. It was only going to be the first step in her plan, because if she had her way, they would be up all night and outlast the storm itself.

Violet reached down, griping the short spikes of Lando’s hair and tugging sharply. Her hips moved along with Lando’s tongue, her stomach pulling tight as she got even closer to exactly where they both wanted her to be. They’d spent weeks wrapped up in tension, and they were both finally getting a release.

Cooing as she finished, Violet smoothed her fingers through Lando’s ruffled hair and shifted to give each of them some space. Lando wiped her mouth with the back of her hand. She pressed gentle kisses along the inside of Violet’s thigh, keeping as much momentum as possible. As Violet relaxed, her body easing and her legs straightening to stretch her muscles, Lando slid off the edge of the bed. She fiddled with the top drawer of her dresser, digging way in the back where she made sure to hide anything she needed to from Nan and pulled out the strap she hadn’t worn in nearly a year.

Fuck, it really had been that long. She hoped she still had it in her, though she suspected it would be like riding a bike and she’d figure it out in no time. Violet watched her carefully as she slid her legs through the straps and made sure the fit was firm.

“Do you want any lube?” Lando asked, pulling the strap as if it were her own cock.

Violet’s eyes widened before she had a seductive look on her face. She trailed her fingers between her legs, dipping them into her body before pulling them out. “Don’t think I need it.”

“Fuck, that was sexy,” Lando muttered as she got on her knees on the couch. “I think someday I’d just like to sit here and watch you do that to yourself, repeatedly.”

“Well, I think we can arrange that, some day.” Violet pushed herself up, pressing their lips together and holding Lando tight. “I’m ready whenever you are.”