Lando had never thought of herself as such. Handsome, perhaps, awkward and a little chunky even more, but the way Violet said that word, with so much appreciation in it, it felt right. Placing a finger under Violet’s chin to raise her gaze, Lando looked her directly in the eye. “You’re allowed to touch me if you want.”

“I’ve wanted to for a while.”

“For a while?”

Violet nodded so subtly, Lando almost missed it. “Since that one night…”



Lando moved in slowly, pressing their mouths together in a tender kiss. “I thought about touching you before that, on and off, depending on your mood.”

Violet’s lips curled. “I suppose I’m not the easiest person to get along with.”

“Easier when certain people who won’t be named aren’t around. That’s for damn sure.”

“Mmhmm.” Violet kissed her this time. “We should turn the water off.”

“It’s an electric tea kettle. It turns itself off.”

“Even better.” Violet slid a hand around Lando’s back, the warm skin of her arm against Lando’s still cool flesh a contrast she wanted to remember forever. Their mouths melded together, and Violet rolled Lando’s hard nipple between her fingers. Lando moaned, pushing into Violet and turning so they landed on the bed.

She didn’t care if they’d only just started something up, she’d wanted this for as long as she could remember. She’d thought about what-ifs with Violet, never with the notion they would actually happen. Violet pulled herself backward on the bed, her mouth never leaving Lando’s for longer than a few seconds before she tugged Lando back to her.

Following Violet’s lead, Lando hovered over her, their tongues tangling as Violet ran her fingers up and down Lando’s back to her ass under her pants, and back up. Violet spread her legs so Lando could rest in the cocoon of her body. They kissed slowly, unlike out in the middle of the storm. This pace was so different, so perfect for exploration.

Lando rutted against Violet, their clothes between them causing friction. Violet moaned and brushed her hands through Lando’s short hair. She tugged and got Lando’s attention. Violet kissed down Lando’s neck to her collarbone, swirling her tongue over Lando’s skin.

“Tell me what you like and what you don’t like.” Violet’s voice was a soft command.

Goosebumps raged along Lando’s arm and chest, her nipples tightening even more. She’d never been asked that before by a lover, and the sultry tone to Violet’s voice was breathtaking.

“I’ve already touched your breasts, but did you like it?” Violet scraped her nails oh so lightly along Lando’s sides, every touch on Lando’s body as tender as the last.

Pressing her forehead into Violet’s shoulder, Lando took a deep breath as she figured out what the hell to say. “You can do whatever you want to me, Vi. I trust you.”

Violet hummed, nipping at Lando’s chin. “But do you like it rough? Soft? Hard?”

Lando whimpered. This woman was going to undo her with fucking words. No one could compete with this, ever. Kissing Violet’s neck, Lando breathed in her scent, focusing her mind.

“I will do whatever you want, and I mean that, I’m not just saying that.”

Violet smiled up at her. “Yes, but what do you want?”

“Anything, really.”

“Lando, you’re not exactly helping me make a decision here.”

Chuckling, Lando bent down and kissed Violet’s neck. “What’s something you like?”

“Whatever you were doing with your hips a few seconds ago was amazing.”

“Yeah?” Lando raised an eyebrow as she kissed Violet’s neck again. “Would you be opposed to using a strap?”

Violet shuddered. “Never.”

“I have one.”