“She saw there was more to our relationship than a simple student and teacher.”

“There was never anything—”

“We never did anything, no. We never talked about doing anything, or even acknowledged it, but can you deny that you felt something else for me all those months when you took my class? Because I can’t deny that. You’re my favorite student, Lando, and I have always maintained it’s not because of your grades, and it’s not.”

“What are you saying?” Lando’s voice wavered.

Violet held her ground. Reaching up, she curled her hand around Lando’s cheek, her soft skin. She brushed her thumb along Lando’s chin, and then her lips. She’d done this before, but this time all those barriers were down, this time, there was nothing holding her back.

“I’m saying I have always felt more for you than I should.” Violet stayed as close as possible to Lando, holding their gazes as she waited to see what Lando would say and do next. They both needed to be in this together if anything was going to change. It might ruin their futures or it might open them to amazing possibilities. For years, Violet had repressed what she deserved, and she was tired of it. She wanted this, and she wanted Lando to experience it with her.

“Vi,” Lando’s tone dropped. “I don’t think—”

“Regardless if you want it or not,” Violet interrupted. “I need you to know that I do. I want you.”

Lando drew in a ragged breath, saying nothing. Violet wasn’t sure how long they stood there. The storm would be there in minutes and they wouldn’t have a choice but to move, but Violet couldn’t tear her gaze away from those eyes. Lando was so much wiser than she should be, so much stronger than Violet was herself. She wasn’t going to back Lando into a corner or force her into anything she didn’t want. If she said no, Violet would step back and learn to live into the relationship they had built over the last year.

If that was what Lando wanted, so be it. But Violet couldn’t deny, at least for now, that something had shifted the second time she’d met Heather Sutherland. She’d always favored her, always put in the extra time and energy to make sure she understood the lessons, always enjoyed it when Lando stopped by for office hours.

The rain hit them, splattering onto their heads and faces. Startled, they separated sharply. Lando laughed and gasped, grabbing the camera on the tripod and unlocking it before handing it to Violet. She quickly and efficiently closed the tripod and ran for Violet’s car with Violet hot on her heels. They shoved the equipment into the back seat.

Violet closed the door and let out a grin as small pea-sized hail fell on top of them. It was nothing like being out in the middle of a tornado and being slammed with hail. This was pleasantly fresh, light. She laughed as she held up her hands to see if she could catch any and was surprised when Lando clasped her hand tightly.

With no words, Lando leaned in and pressed their mouths together. Violet gasped, wrapping her arms around Lando’s back as she held on tightly, pressed between Lando and the car. Lando’s entire body was warm and firm against her. Her heart raced, rain pouring and drenching them. Violet moaned, nipping at Lando’s lip before parting her own and letting Lando enter her.

They stayed there for who knew how long. Violet eventually flipped them, pushing Lando into the car, running hands over her drenched T-shirt, feeling her firm breasts in a sports bra, pushing their hips together. Violet didn’t want to let go. She wanted to stay there forever, kissing the woman she’d grown to love. That thought settled into her chest, and it felt so right. It felt perfect, like a future she could grab hold of and run with.

Lando broke the embrace, smiling at Violet and blinking away the raindrops. “You’re shivering.”

Violet shook her head. “I didn’t even notice.”

“Get in the damn car.”

“Don’t want to.” Violet bent down again, their lips brushing. “I’d rather stay right here.”

“You’re freezing. Let’s go someplace warmer where maybe I can get you out of these wet clothes.”

Violet liked that idea. She kissed Lando one more time before pulling away. “Fine. You win.”

“Get in your car, and I’ll follow you wherever.”

Narrowing her eyes, Violet looked around for Lando’s car but didn’t find it anywhere. It hadn’t even occurred to her before to ask how Lando had gotten there. “Where’s your car?”

“I live just down the road from here.” Lando straightened her shoulders. “I often walk this road when there’s a storm coming in.”

Violet parted her lips in surprise. “Let’s go to your place.”

“Are you sure?”

“Yes. Get in the car, Lando.”

Lando kissed her hard before stepping around the back of the vehicle to get inside. Once they were settled, Violet turned the engine over and waited for Lando to tell her where to go, but one thing she knew was she couldn’t wipe the smile off her face. Whatever was happening between them, it was something Violet wanted, desperately.


Lando startedwater for tea as she waited for Violet to get changed into the dry clothes she still miraculously had stashed in her car. Lando was going to change next, but she wanted something warm for them to drink.

She was in her room, tugging her wet T-shirt off and dropping it into the laundry basket near the door to her closet. She was just about to unbutton her pants when her phone rang. Cocking her head at it, Lando picked it up.Diane. Clenching her jaw, she debated whether or not to answer, but she figured it was time to finally tell her.