“But time well spent,” a woman’s voice echoed into the room.

Violet tensed sharply. She’d nearly forgotten Diane was supposed to come by. Lando raised an eyebrow at Violet before slowly shifting to stand up with a straight back and her hands shoved in her pockets. Her jaw was tight as she stared across the room at their interruption.

Violet needed to figure out what to say, something to break the sudden tension. Her lips parted as Diane eyed Lando up and down, a sly look in her eye that made Violet’s stomach churn. “Diane, this is Lando, one of my students.”

“I imagined she was.” Diane reached her hand out, waiting for Lando to take it.

Lando had a blank look on her face as she reached out, fingers connecting. “Good to meet you.”

“You as well,” Diane responded.

Violet’s stomach twisted even more. “We were looking at the maps from the storm in western Oklahoma.”

“Oh?” Diane raised an eyebrow, glancing at Violet before facing the computer. “Anything come of it?”

“Small tornado, at least one for now.”

“Let me see.” Diane reached into her purse and grabbed her reading glasses, sliding them on before she bent over Violet’s chair, much in the manner Lando had just been doing. This feeling was entirely different. Instead of an unsettled feeling, what swarmed Violet was pleasure and heat to her cheeks. She was embarrassed that no matter what Diane did she seemed to have this kind of reaction. She’d tried to control it for as long as she could remember, but she’d never been able to.

Violet leaned back in her chair, looking over Diane’s backside to make eye contact with Lando, except Lando’s gaze was quite pointedly locked on the curve of Diane’s ass. The very same ass that Diane popped out in Lando’s direction. Violet sighed and pressed her lips firmly together, trying to figure out what to say or do.

She was too late because Lando jerked her chin up, making eye contact with Violet and the no doubt disappointed and jealous look on her face.

“Lando is one of my best students.” Violet kept her gaze on Lando, making sure Lando understood that she had seen.

“Is that right?” Diane answered, popping a look over her shoulder to Lando, amusement flashing in her eyes.

Everything about the moment put Violet in a state of unease. The way Lando eyed Diane, the oddly flirtatious undertones Diane was giving Lando, a woman easily fifteen years their junior. It wouldn’t be good for anyone to have the moment continue.

“Yes,” Violet said, hopefully breaking it up. “She’s quite smart.”

“My recent paper disagrees with you,” Lando answered, holding up the offending paper with the C written in bright red pen.

Violet cocked her head to the side. “Extenuating circumstances. The only thing that proves is you need to ask for assistance when necessary.”

Lando grinned broadly. The moment warmed Violet’s stomach, warring with the discomfort she still felt over the entire situation. Diane’s and Lando’s gazes locked. Violet felt like the third wheel in some silent conversation happening over her. Diane turned to stand upright, and immediately, Violet followed suit. She couldn’t take sitting down any longer.

Keeping close to Diane, Violet eyed Lando and tried to figure out just what was going on. Lando shoved her hands back in her pockets and rolled onto her heels. “I guess I’ll have to take you up on that offer, teach.”

“Offer?” Diane reiterated, a thin blonde eyebrow raised. “Did you offer for her to come with us?”

Lando’s eyes widened, and Violet cursed inwardly. “No, not the offer she is referring to.”

“If she is the best student you’ve had…”

Violet shook her head. “I thought Erik was going to come with us.”

“He is, but…”

“Then we don’t exactly have room, do we?” Violet gave Diane a pointed look. “Besides, Lando surely has to take classes this upcoming quarter.”

Lando lifted one shoulder and dropped it in response. Violet wasn’t quite sure what that meant, but she also wasn’t sure she wanted to ask. The air sizzled in the tiny office, and the unsettled feeling swam back through the pit of Violet’s stomach.

“Doesn’t seem like she is,” Diane commented.

“Our team is full.”

Lando shot Violet a curious look, and Violet ignored it, focusing on Diane as everything seemed to spiral out of control. With what was happening currently, she did not want Lando to join them. A flirtation or a fling would only complicate the next six months, and Violet wanted to get work done. She wanted the time spent to be a success, and she wanted Diane for herself.