“Diane, you can’t leave me hanging, what did he say? Is he not coming?”

“He’s not.” Diane bristled. She finished with her suitcase, zipping it shut and drinking her coffee as she stared at Violet over the rim. “And it’s probably for the best, honestly. There were some issues last year that I wasn’t very happy with.”

“What issues?” Violet’s shoulders fell. She liked Erik. He was spry and always good for a joke, probably one of the most jovial people she’d ever met.

“It doesn’t really matter now. He won’t be joining us for the season.”

Violet pressed her lips tightly together, nearly in a pout. She could barely look Diane in the eye, but forced her gaze upward. “I guess that means more time for just you and me together.”

The hopeful tone in her voice was unbelievable, and she hoped Diane didn’t pick up on it, but how could she not? Violet had been desperate to get Diane’s attention in that way for decades, and she’d never been able to rid herself of the feelings roiling around inside her. She wanted Diane to notice her, notice them.

Diane gave her a pitying glance, and Violet knew she hadn’t been able to hide it. Cursing inwardly, Violet stared into the dark liquid of her coffee, hoping it would swallow her up whole.

“I did hire a replacement.”

“That’s probably for the best. I can’t imagine running a team with only two of us. It’d be next to impossible.”

Diane frowned. “I think we could handle it if needed.”

Violet shrugged. “For a short time, perhaps. For the entire season? I’m not sure.”

Diane reached forward, sliding a hand along Violet’s thigh. The shudder was involuntary, and Violet cursed herself again.She’d never get over the damn crush, would she?

“Please tell me you didn’t book that same fleabag as last year,” Violet interjected, trying to change the subject as swiftly as possible.

“Absolutely not. That place was disgusting.”

“Thank goodness.” Violet gave her a wry smile. “The bedbugs followed us for weeks.”

Diane frowned. “They did. We need to raise our standards some, don’t you think?”

“Always.” Violet couldn’t read the look Diane was giving her, but she didn’t quite think they were talking about hotel rooms anymore. “When are we leaving?”

Diane checked the small gold watch on her left wrist. “Now, I suppose.”

“Good. I’ll clean these up.” Violet grabbed the mugs of coffee and brought them to the kitchen. As she washed what was left of the dishes, she rolled her shoulders. This was it. It was decided. She was going to take this season to either make a very pointed move on Diane or she was going to take it and get over the damn feelings she’d been harboring for so long. They both needed freedom from it, and Violet clearly was the one struggling the most so she was going to have to make the move to fix it.

They moved Violet’s things from her small sedan into the Hummer they took for chasing and then stashed Diane’s suitcase in the back. They walked to and from the garage several times, getting all their equipment and setting some of it up so they could do recon while driving to Guymon. Once they double-checked that everything was working, it was nearly eight in the morning.

Violet stretched her back, both palms planted squarely just above her butt as she eased into the move. Diane watched her appreciatively as she turned when another car ambled down the long drive. Violet frowned.

“Who’s that?”

“I suppose it’ll be our third party.”

“Just who exactly did you hire? Do they have any experience chasing?”

Diane didn’t have a chance to answer as she stepped closer to the small SUV and pointed to where she wanted the vehicle to park. Violet’s heart clenched tightly before it raced, her entire stomach dropping as the short woman stepped out from the driver’s side. Her hair perfect gelled and combed, her bright blue eyes holding the mystery of the world in them.

Absolutely not. Diane did not hirethiswoman to join them. Diane walked over, shaking Lando’s hand and making small talk, but the rushing wind in Violet’s ears from her anger prevented her from hearing anything. Her entire body was frozen on the spot. Utter betrayal coursed through her.

She’d told Diane no. Hell, she’d told Lando there wasn’t room for her on the team. What the hell had happened in the interim? Nothing about the way the two of them had interacted for that brief moment in her office made her feel warm and fuzzy from this. It was not going to go well. Diane would lavish all her attention on Lando, and Violet would be tossed aside and forgotten.How could Diane do this to her?

Diane brought Lando over, a hand wrapped in Lando’s arm as they walked together. Violet glared at the connection. Diane used to touch her like that, used to walk with her like that. Holy hell, this was going to be an absolute disaster.Where the fuck was Erik?She needed him back.

“I know you’ve meet the astute Professor Violet Myers,” Diane said, her voice trying to smooth ruffled feathers.

Well, Violet wasn’t going to let her have that satisfaction. Crossing her arms, she glared, first at Diane, but then at Lando. Two could play at this game, and Lando was by far the weaker link in this scenario. Violet clenched her jaw tightly. This entire season was going to be a disaster.