Page 58 of Beasts of Bond

But then the rest slowly came into focus. The rasping sound I was picking up. The way Neyil’s hand was poking through the king’s chest while clutching something tightly. Something that drippedblood.

‘That’s his heart,’ Philit said, understanding finally shuddering through him. ‘Neyil is holding King Laskis’s heart.’

There was another shuddering breath, and King Laskis fell forward onto King Neyil. For a moment, the Fae held him before pulling his own arm back out of the dragon’s chest. Neyil stepped away, letting the body fall to the ground.

King Teodar Laskis the Third was dead.

“That was easier than I thought,” Neyil said, staring down at his bloodied hand with a disgusted frown. “I have to thank you, Rayna. You weakened him during your little fight. Now,” he turned to us, “shall I remove the other pests?”

The magic in the air buzzed, and I realized Neyil was gearing up for another attack. I stiffened, trying to figure out what his goal was, and realized his sights were on us. Not me though. No, he was looking between Philit and Zilon.

Then, a whirlwind of air came at us fast. I used as much energy as I could muster in my exhausted body, ignoring the pain, as I managed to push in front of the guys and put up a barrier just in time to block Neyil’s attack.


The brunt of his attack almost sent me flying. Only my mates at my back, holding me, kept me on my feet. His attack hit my barrier hard, nearly shattering it. All of me shook as I tried to keep it in place. I felt like I was going against a tsunami. I already wasn’t in top shape, and now I had to face this.

“Fuck,” Philit said from behind, his arm around my waist as he held me against him.

I agreed.Fuck. I felt like I was a tadpole trying to swim upstream through rapids. And Neyil’s attack was so hard and relentless. My whole body began to ache as I pumped in more and more magic to hold against his onslaught of attacks. And that was what it was. It wasn’t one big attack, but multiple fast attacks banging against my shield every half a second.


Neyil wasn’t going to let up. He wanted my mates dead.

Finally, I held him back long enough for my mates to throw their own attacks at him. Hot fire blazed over me at Neyil. He was forced to stop in order to dodge the attacks, and that moment was when I realized a new battle had broken out between all the Fae and the dragons.

It looked like the dragons were suffering, still reeling from the king’s death. I mean, I was still reeling from it too. The man who had made my life hell was dead. Just like that.

I couldn’t wrap my head around it.

The ground shuddered, and vines popped out around me. Zilon and Philit immediately swiped at them with their claws, trying to keep them away from me. I ran closer to Neyil, away from the danger, trusting the guys to be able to handle their share of it. At the same time, I gathered the debris around Neyil with telekinesis and then threw it all at him with everything I had.

The air around him seemed to pulse, that movement slamming into the debris and sending it flying away. I ducked down, protecting my head to avoid getting hit. By the time I looked up, Neyil was practically on top of me.

He tried to kick out at me with full force, but I used the air to repel myself away from him. Of course, I miscalculated and nearly slammed into a pillar, but at least I got away.

Neyil stared at the spot, frowning hard before looking at me.

“You’ve gotten stronger.”

“And creative,” I said, and a moment later he was flying through the air, sharply to the right and directly into the wall.

Moving myself reminded me that I could do the same to others. So I did it to him.

He slammed hard into it, and as I gathered more debris to throw at him, Neyil rose to his feet. When he lifted his head to look at me, his expression was feral and furious. All kindness—all patience—was stripped from his face, and I could finally see him for the murdering hypocrite he was.

I sent all the debris I could gather at him, but again, he did that air maneuver that stopped my attack.

There was a growl, and heat filled my back, but I knew not to look, not to be distracted. Neyil would be happy to use that moment to take me out, though I had a feeling he didn’t want to kill me. Not if he wanted to use me. My job was to keep him from focusing on my mates.

Roaring, yelling, and screaming all surrounded me as the others battled it out. The air was thick with dragon breath, Fae magic, and rider powers. It all clashed together into something heavy, destructive, and dangerous.

Facing off with Neyil and his own mix strength the concoction didn’t help matters either. While he felt like he had an unlimited supply of magic, I was beginning to be depleted.

As if to prove my point, not only did Neyil use earth and air, now he was using water. All the water seemed to congregate in front of him, forming three very dangerous spikes of ice that glistened red and orange from the setting sun.

I expected all the icicles to come my way, but the moment he released them, I realized how deadly of a mistake I’d made. Only one was coming my way, while the other two aimed toward Zilon and Philit, who were too distracted to even know what was happening.