Page 50 of Beasts of Bond

At the word “fight,” it was like all the Fae shuddered in excitement. There were even a few who tapped their weapons, as if agreeing with that statement. My skin itched at their bloodlust, and I was thankful that last currently wasn’t aimed at me. I hated that it was aimed at people like me.

‘It’ll be fine. We’re with you,’ Zilon said.

‘It’s weird being on this side of the fight,’I admitted.

‘Just focus on staying alive and everything will be fine,’Lander sent. ‘I won’t let anything happen to you.’

I drew on his confidence, the knowledge that my mates had my back helped keep me focused. Neyil stepped out and raised a hand. The muttering that had consumed the training grounds went silent instantly. I swore if I focused enough, I’d be able to pick up on breathing patterns from everyone with how quiet it was now.

Everyone assembled focused on Neyil without him having to do anything. He commanded attention, expected it, and received it too. His gaze was hard and cold, making my skin pebble in warning. This was not the man who’d patiently taught me about my magic or charmed me into staying here. He was the cold-hearted killer I’d taught about in Fyre, the same one I’d seen the day my mates had come for me.

“The dragons are upon us,” he said without having to bellow. They felt like they were being whispered into my ear. “Today is the start of the end. We will end this war, one way or another. Fight hard, fight bravely, and do not give them space to recover. Be brutal, be fast, and be steadfast. This long war ends now. Soon, we will see the end of the dragon king.”

That got a roar of cheers from all the Fae. Neyil allowed it to go on for a few, long moments before he raised his hand again, silencing everyone instantly. I stepped into Philit, while my other two mates moved to my side, so that I was surrounded, tucked away in their protective bubble.

“The dragons do not know this, but we have the upper hand this time. The prophesized Divine, Rayna, is with us as are her dragon mates. They, alone, are worth hundreds of the dragons’ forces. Our foes have no idea who they are up against, and we will use that surprise to destroy them here and now. After this, our future will be secured, our families safe, and our existence acknowledged. Fight bravely, my children. We will win.”

More cheers rose, staves and feet banging against the ground in a thunderous round of applause. Neyil gave everyone a small smile, but the dead expression in his eyes put me on edge.

‘Something isn’t right. Stay alert and be ready to leave if we need to,’ Philit said.

‘Already fucking planning on it,’ Landers said.

‘Rayna, you’ll be on Zilon’s back,’Philit said. ‘Remember, only use what magic you need from her. She will need all her reserves to defend us and fight back against the other riders.’

‘Got it,’ Zilon said.

Landers sent his own agreement.

As we made our own plans, the Fae around us began moving, working their way out of the castle. I spotted Neyil. He was talking with some other Fae, seeming uncaring. Then before my eyes, he changed. No longer was he the king I was used to seeing. Instead, Neyil took on the shape of someone insignificant. If I hadn’t been watching him, I wouldn’t ever have believed the Fae before me was actually Neyil.

He looked like every other Fae around us: dull brown eyes and with long hair now a soft brown and shorter than usual. His stature was shorter too.

“Rayna?” Philit asked. “Are you okay?”

I shook my head and turned to him with a watery smile. “Let’s get this over with.”

“I’ll make sure we’re okay,” Philit said. Something in his voice made me take a second look at him. He really was determined to make sure we stayed alive.

“I know,” I said and went over to Zilon.

It was time to fight.


Zilon carried me through the air with the Fae around us. All the Fae had told me was that they were distorting the air around us so we could get closer to the army without being spotted instantly. The plan was to sneak up on the dragons and their riders and then attack hard.

The dragon army grew closer. There were dark specks in the sky the moment we left the castle. The Fae army moved quickly below us, sticking low to the ground and moving so silently that even I had trouble hearing them.

The dragons thought they were going to sneak up on us, but it was going to be the other way around. It had to be. If we won this battle, it’d give us a straight shot to the dragon king, and we could truly end this.

Then, we’d be free.

‘I got you,’ Philit said. ‘Just focus on staying alive.’

‘Same. We won’t let anything happen to you,’Zilon said.

‘Thanks, guys,’I sent to them, warmth flowing through our thoughts and bond. While their words were comforting, it didn’t do anything to stop me from shaking. My nerves were nearly too much, and I gripped more tightly to Zilon’s spiked spine.