Page 38 of Beasts of Bond

I smiled a little, glad his humor was back. That was something at least.

Neyil led us into a large room with shelves full of rolled up scrolls, weapons hanging up on the wall as displays, and a massive table in the center with papers laid out across it.

The Fae king went around the table to face us and then pushed a piece of paper my way.

“What is going on?” I asked.

“You should know. Since you have promised to join our ranks in the fight against the dragon king, it is imperative that you understand what’s going on, and what the plan is. Take a look.”

I was a little wary to do it, but Philit nudged me forward until I could see what Neyil was showing us. It was a small map with circles in different locations.

“The dragons are coming for you, Rayna. I am sure you left a lovely impression, and they want you back. My scouts are reporting movement. It will only be a matter of time before they reach here. I am assuming your mates there had a hand in this.”

Philit stepped up to my right, his arm brushing against mine and making me feel supported. “We didn’t have time to report all the details. They only have a general idea.”

“Still, they know where to look, and they are most definitely looking. We must prepare to fight. It is time for our final attack.” Neyil held no pretense of being a nice person as he talked, his voice brisk and his expression not giving much away other than the hardness tightening his jaw. “You will be given two days to train as a unit before we attack. Then, I expect you on our side as we end this forsaken war. Am I clear?”

‘No,’Landers sent.

I didn’t look at him, and I could feel Philit and Zilon’s hesitancy too. This was going against everything they believed in and were taught. It was hard for them. They at least let me talk and didn’t do anything to put ourselves at risk.

“It’s clear,” I responded.

Neyil didn’t seem impressed with my response as his gaze jumped from me to the others and then back to me. “Then go train.”

We didn’t need to be told twice as we left Neyil staring after us. I didn’t even begin to feel safe again until we were back with Aylia and heading toward the training grounds. Aylia tried to ask what happened without actually saying it out loud, but I kept my lips firmly in place as I fought off all the insecurities associated with my choices.


The last person I expected to train us was already waiting, grinning as soon as he knew we spotted him.

“What is he doing here?” Landers snarled.

“Relax,” I said. “As of now, he’s on our side.”

“The bastard nearly got us killed by fucking fairies.”

I sighed, knowing it was pointless to say much else about it or in defense of the Earth Fae. Landers was just going to have to deal.

“Welcome back, Rayna,” the Earth Fae said. “And company. Can’t say it’s a pleasure to see you all again.”

He said that with a big shit-eating grin. This Earth Fae was really playing with fire.

“Let me formally introduce myself. You may call me ‘Faustus.’ Lord Neyil has given me the task of training you in the art of the dragon-divine bond.”

“What the fuck would a Fae know about our bond?” Landers asked.

“More than you, apparently, or we would not be in this position. I assure you; my curiosity has led me to extensively study the true bond between you. That academy you think trains you is a joke meant to keep Divines weak and in service of dragons.”

“Sounds like your own propaganda to gain support from our people,” Philit said.

‘Enough, guys,’I sent to them. ‘Let’s hear what he has to teach us. Maybe we will actually learn something. Neyil wants us to fight on his side. He won’t want us dying before we can even do anything to help. He’ll want us strong.’

‘Strong the way he wants us to be,’Philit said. ‘Not necessarily the best way.’

‘We’ve seen what Rayna can do,’Zilon added. ‘They have already taught her what the academy has never taught the riders before. Let’s see where this goes.’

There was some grumbling in my head before my mates settled back down.