Page 31 of Beasts of Bond

We went up so high that I was beginning to shiver as I held on as tightly as I could to his large claw. His talon was long and hard, also a bit slippery. I already knew what he wanted to do. All this talk about taking what was his, and he’d mentioned that he would force me in the past too.

Similar to how Landers had done it, King Laskis was going to drop me and then catch me on his back. He had to be hopefully assuming that would force the bond. It wasn’t going to work like he thought though. I prepared myself, gathering all my magic and yanking it forward from where it kept receding into myself.

When I was training with the Fae, my magic had come so easily to me, always right at my fingertips, but now, in the presence of dragons, it seemed my magic wanted to flee. I didn’t understand why, wasn’t sure what had changed, but I didn’t have time to figure it out. I just needed it to work for me right now, before it was too late.

The moment his claws opened up to drop me, I was ready, recalling everything I had learned about my magic and been taught. It was enough.

I let myself fall long enough to get some distance from the dragon, and then as he went to dive down to catch me, I used my magic.

My flying technique wasn’t as stable as when I tried to escape out the window. Still, it was enough. The dragon king let out a roar when he realized what was happening, that he couldn’t catch me as I propelled myself back toward camp. He tried to give chase, and I needed more time, so I went off course and, as expected, he followed.

My skin hurt with how fast I was moving, but dragons were fast, and I needed to stay ahead of him. He felt faster than my mates as he gave chase. All I had going for me was my smaller frame, and I made use of that as I weaved between trees and around rocks.

Scared shitless didn’t even begin to express how I felt. I had to keep focus on the outcome I wanted, on what I needed to do, because if the king caught me, I was screwed in a lot of ways.

A lake gave me an idea, and I went back up, tempted to marvel at the sparkling view before me. But didn’t have the time, not when King Laskis was closing in on me. Then as he came, I dove straight down. He followed as I expected. I gritted my teeth as the wind scraped at my skin. When the water came into view, dangerously close and only a few feet away, I changed direction.

There was a loud roar and then a massive peal of thunder as I flew away. Water pelted me, letting me know it worked. The king had been too focused on me to care that the water was right there, and he’d slammed into it. It gave me the time I needed to head back to the camp.

The moment I got there, I landed where the guys were and nearly crumpled to my feet.

“What are you doing?” Captain Corniz said, when he realized I was there.

I breathed heavily, feeling too tired. My limbs shook as I got back to my feet.

“You are all being deceived,” I said. “I don’t know what is right and wrong for every part of the war. But what the king is doing…I knowthat’swrong. He is trying to force me to bond with him. He knows I’m powerful, and he wants to take that for himself. That is wrong. If he’s deceiving most of you about just that, then what else has Laskis lied about?”

“Rayna,” Tanja said. “Enough. Let’s just take a day to calm down.”

The dragons and their riders circled me, but I’d had enough of this. I was too exhausted and wanted to sleep. I needed time to get everything straight in my head. Instead, it was one thing after another, and now, I was pissed. Having my dragons bound like thisagaindidn’t help either.

“No! I’m not staying here. Neither are my mates.”

‘Rayna. Careful.’

I ignored Philit’s warning as the riders lifted their bows and arrows. The only one not to was Tanja. She looked so conflicted, and my heart ached for her. She was in a shitty position, but I couldn’t afford to feel bad for putting her there.

“Stop it!” Zilon called out, but they aimed right for me and released their arrows.

I let the air around me crackle as the barrier was put in place, but it wasn’t just a normal one. It was the first one I’d made under Neyil’s tutelage. The arrows were quickly repelled back to the attackers, and they had no choice but to dodge or risk getting shot. Some succeeded, while others took a hit but nothing deadly.

I swallowed my guilt, turned to my mates, and with shaking hands, worked to undo their bindings. But the knots were stubborn. They were too complicated, and the rope too strong and unyielding.

“Rayna!” Philit said, moving so he was in front of me.

The riders shot again.

“It’s okay,” I whispered, touching his back in comfort as the arrows battered at my barrier and then bounced back to them. “They won’t hurt us. Not anymore.”

I used my lightning to hit Philit’s bonds. They broke. I quickly did the same for Landers and Zilon once I knew it was possible. Then, we were standing there free.

‘Don’t shift here,’ I warned. ‘Wait till we get further away.’

They looked at me like I was crazy.

‘I can carry you,’ Zilon said.

‘No. I’ll fly myself. Just like how I got here.’I smiled at them, but it felt so strained as the enemies advanced around us.