Page 21 of Beasts of Bond

Why weren’t they using their fire? I was right here.

‘Rayna, can you get to us?’ Philit asked.

‘I’m coming,’I sent back just as a Fae grabbed me.

‘Hurry, there are too many of them,’Landers snapped out just as he tried to eat a Fae, or at least bite his head off.

“Rayna, don’t go,” a Fae said, stepping in front of me and grabbing my arm.

She was a young one with a soft voice, her blue eyes begging me. I’d talked to her a few times since she enjoyed spending so much of her time in the garden, making sure all the flowers had enough water.

Her plea was sincere, which made me frown. For a moment, I felt like I was being pulled in too many directions. There was still so much I could learn here, but the dangers and risks were too much. And my mates were right there.

My gaze landed on a Fae gearing up for an attack, his expression too deadly. He wouldn’t stop at just hurting my dragons. He wanted them dead. That only hardened my resolve as I yanked out of the female Fae’s grip and used my own magic to push her away from me. Not hard but enough for me to get away.

She had only ever been gentle.

“Rayna!” Aylia’s voice broke out over all the chaos.

She stood off to the right with Kilven at her back. He was glaring hard at my dragons while her wide, fearful eyes begged me. She didn’t have to say anything for me to understand. She wanted me to stay with her.

“No,” I said, knowing she heard me.

Tears formed as she gritted her teeth. She looked like she was about to wade into battle when Fae guards stepped in front of her, stopping her from advancing. The guards pushed the riders away as more Fae ran into the fight.

We needed to leave.

The air tingled with magic, making my skin itch, and I knew it wasn’t mine. The Fae were about to begin throwing their powerful magic.

‘Use fire!’I sent to them.

‘We can’t,’Landers said, his inner voice sounding like he was straining against something.

‘Why?’I was right here and I didn’t need to ride them for them to breathe fire.

We’d done it plenty of times before. Something was different though; I could feel it inside of me. As if the pathways between us had shifted.

The magic that had been forming was released from the left. I didn’t think about it as I yelled out, casting out my magic. Lightning snapped out of my hand and slammed into the attack stopping it before it could hit Philit. The attack diverted, hitting a marble column and making it tumble down into a pile of debris.

For a moment, it was like no one breathed as disbelief fell over everyone. Then, more chaos broke out as more attacks were launched.

‘We need to get out of here,’Philit snapped out. ‘Landers, to Rayna. Rayna, baby, keep running to us.’

Landers charged forward, the Fae diving out of his way before they got crushed. His tail whipped around, protecting his behind while he swiped at anyone too stupid to move. A Fae tried to get in my way again, but I made the air around him crackle. It was enough to distract him, making him jerk to the right while I went left, dodging around him.

Then Landers was there, within my reach. When I touched his long neck, feeling the warmth and hardness of his scales, I sobbed. They were here. I could touch them. It choked me briefly before it broke out of me, my tears instantly forming.

They were real this time, not just a promise or a dream, but the real deal. I paused briefly when Aylia caught my attention. She was still trying to fight to get to me even though the Fae refused to let her pass. She looked like she was panicking. Even Kilven was working to restrain her.

I felt bad. Really I did. I hated that I felt bad too. So much conflict had built up inside of me over the last week as I was given new opportunities, fed the other side of the story, and was struggling to find my own answers. I still didn’t have them though. I only knew that I needed to go with my mates, even as she screamed for me to stay and not leave her.

‘Rayna, we need to go,’ Landers snapped at me.

He turned his body, taking a hit and grunting. His pain was only brief, more like a tickle than anything. With me so close to my dragons, the Fae attacks had diminished.

I grabbed onto Landers and began climbing onto him. As we connected, I was automatically moved into place, his spine pinning me into my seat and once again I was hit with an intense orgasm that nearly consumed me as his spine penetrated me and linked us on a deeper level.

Even Landers roared as he took flight, the air around me whipping around dangerously as we rose from the ground. The air felt charged with magic. Landers tilted to the side enough for an attack to sail by him. Then, we were gone, my other two mates flying by my side as we got farther and farther away from the one place that held more answers than the academy ever had.