Page 20 of Beasts of Bond

My mates.

My mouth popped open as I felt reinvigorated.

Rayna!boomed through my head from three voices that nearly made me want to cry in relief.

Their emotions flooded through me: their fear, worry, and anger. They were a jumble of mixed emotions that slammed into me, and I relished feeling them there again. I pushed my own relief through our bonds to let them know I was okay. More than okay now that Landers, Zilon, and Philit were here to save me.

I ran to the window by the courtyard, which led to the entrance and saw them hovering there as riders ran away from them, and Fae swarmed the courtyard.

How did they get here? How did they slip through the Faes’ defenses so easily?

“Rayna,” the Earth Fae tried to warn, trying to reach for me. He was too slow though as I was already moving, ready to rejoin my mates.

I ignored him, lifting my hand up and holding it out to the window. The glass shattered as the lightning hit it, and then I was jumping out the window. Luckily, we were on the ground floor, so I didn’t have to worry about the fall.

Either way, I would have done the same if we were ten stories up. In that moment, I just wanted to reunite with my dragons.


My dragons. My mates.

Philit. Landers. Zilon.

They were here. They found me. The shock of seeing them had tears forming in my eyes as I ran to them. They were on the other side of the courtyard, now on the ground but still in their magnificent dragon forms, and fighting furiously.

Roars filled the skies as they did everything they could to keep the Fae away from them.

‘Rayna!’Landers’s voice boomed through my head like thunder.

‘I’m here!’

Their relief flooded me. We were so close, with only the Fae keeping us apart. But not for long. Not if I had anything to say about it.

As I dodged through the riders too scared to stick around, I assessed the situation.

The Fae were out in packs, trying to fight them, and the fight was too much, making me realize the danger they’d landed in. The Fae might not have hurt me, but I had no doubt they’d celebrate the deaths of my mates, not caring how it’d affect me.

They wanted to murder my dragons.

I didn’t want to even think about what that would do to me. The thought alone was enough to tear into me and rip me apart. It was a devastating feeling. I shoved it away. They were alive, and they’d remain that way.

Fae realized I was working my way over and tried to block me, but if any time was the right time to use my training, it was now. I’d repel them from me, block them from grabbing me, all while I weaved through the bodies.

‘Rayna!’Zilon’s yell was a welcome in my head, a voice that had been missing from my mind for too long.

I nearly let out a sob. He was a green dragon, fitting right in with the plush surroundings as if he were nature himself. Even the sunlight worked in his favor, making him seem so majestic, as if he were in his natural environment.

‘Hurry. Get to her.’Philit was still being as bossy as ever, his voice brisk as he struck at the Fae, using his tale to swipe at the ones coming from behind him. As a dark dragon, his blue scales came off as black unless they captured the sunlight, and he was the most intimidating, Philit was the most deadly looking as he fought back more expertly than the other two dragons. Philit had the most experience when it came to fighting against the Fae, and he picked up how to do so as a dragon better than the other two had.

Landers let out a roar, his ferocity backed up by his red scales that seemed to blaze all on their own without needing the help of fire. It didn’t help that he was also the biggest dragon but only just barely. It was enough though to make the Fae hesitate and weigh the danger before them.

Landers was still clumsy, but he had learned enough to turn, whipping his tail out and hitting a few Fae, sending them flying. One of the Fae manipulated the air to protect himself, while the other two weren’t as lucky.

My mates fought like that, swiping and using their tails. They used wings to beat the Fae with harsh winds, all while trying to get to me.

The Fae kept pouring out from the castle around us.

‘You idiots,’ I sent to them. ‘Why would you come so deep into enemy territory?’I had to fight against my own fear. They looked like they were struggling so much.