“Aye,” Agnes says, stepping forward from the crowd. “Aye there is.”

“And what is this disagreement?” Johnne asks.

Duncan steps to my side, fumbling my hand into his and gripping it tight.

“She’s touched by the devil,” Agnes says. “A witch.”

Gasps of surprise mix with those agreeing. I close my eyes as the world spins out of control. Here it is. The one thing Alesoun warned me not to let happen. The accusation is laid out and now I’m on trial.

“That is a serious accusation,” Johnne says.

“It is, but it’s true,” Agnes says. “I’ve suspected as much since she first appeared in unnatural circumstances. Since then, the evidence has mounted.”

“You have evidence then?” Johnne asks.

“It doesn’t matter,” another man says. “She’s not touched by the devil. She’s done no evil. She’s helped!” The man breaks free from the crowd and it’s Aillig, the older man whose leg I healed. “I’d not be walking if not for her skills.”

“You mean her devil’s magic,” Agnes accuses.

The clan is shifting as two sides form. Splitting not quite evenly between my accusers and the one person standing up for me, but Agnes’s side has more behind her.

“It’s not devil magic,” I say. I’m angry but I can’t let emotions have control. I want to slap that smug look off Agnes face, but that would only prove her point. “I’m a healer. That’s all.”

“And she’s one fine healer for sure,” my defender says. “She healed my leg and no offense to Alesoun, but I’ve no doubt I would have lost it but for her.”

“See?” Agnes shouts, pointing an accusing finger at me. “Witchcraft. We all know Alesoun is Fae touched and if she can’t heal something then it’s beyond even those unnatural powers.”

Johnne eyes the clan in silence while the two sides hurl insults back and forth. None of them forget me but I’m an aside as they draw lines between themselves. The worst part is I don’t know which side the chief will come down on. Either way it’s not good.

“And what good has Christianity brought us?” the old man shouts, shaking his fist in the air. “Look around. We’ve lost everything and the only slightest hint of hope we’ve had is this young lass. It was her idea, her drive to go and save our boys.”

“And what would you have us do, Aillig?” Agnes spits she’s so angry. “Abandon our Christian values in favor of what?”

“I’m not calling on anyone to abandon the Lord,” Aillig says. “But it doesn’t have to be an all or nothing. The old ways don’t stop you from believing in God, so why should a belief in him block the old ways?”

Some of the people standing on Aillig’s side take a step away from him with wide eyes. They huddle together and murmur.

“Enough,” Chief Johnne says. “Now is not the time to be divided. We’ve troubles enough without it.” He takes a deep breath and closes his eyes. “Quinn is odd, that’s not up for debate, but she’s also a foreigner to our ways.”

“More proof,” Agnes yells.

“Interrupt me again Agnes MacGregor and my judgment will come onto you,” Johnne says. He doesn’t raise his voice or change his tone in any way, but the threat is all it takes. Agnes snaps her mouth shut and bows her head.

“Aye, Chief,” she says.

“Quinn, you’ve the right to speak on your own behalf. What do you say to your accusers?”

Put on the spot I go blank. I blink and swallow hard. I didn’t expect to have any say in any of this and I sure don’t have any prepared remarks. The eyes of the clan bore into me like tiny drills boring towards my soul.

A dozen lies cross my thoughts, but I discard each of them. If I lie and I’m caught in it, it will only be worse. I can’t tell them the truth either though. Not all of it anyway. Duncan squeezes my hand tight.

“You’ve got this, Quinn,” he whispers.

The certainty in his voice is so much more than what I’m feeling right now. I lean on it, using it as a rock instead of my own confusions and fear.

“Chief, you’re right. I am not from around here. I was lost here, and this clan took me in. Gave me a home and kept me safe. All I’ve done in return is try to use what skills I possess to help. If I have caused any harm, I apologize but I don’t think I have.”

Johnne nods with a half-smile on his face, then turns to Agnes.