Duncan takes my hand and leads the way. The ground is littered with loose gravel and the occasional boulder that we must make our way around. I hope the rocky ground will hide our scent, but I don’t know if that will help or not.

The ground angles up and the dogs sound distant. Hope lifts in my heart. Soon the skyline is visible where the crevasse ends. We crouch and make our way forward. Duncan pops his head up over the edge for a fast look. He smiles and nods and we run, breaking free onto open ground.

Ahead is a stand of trees that Duncan is leading us towards. The expanse is dotted with massive boulders that have fallen from the mountains over the years, and Duncan weaves us through, using them as cover.

We’re almost to the trees behind which the mountains rise, the Highlands calling us home. Excitement makes every step feel as if I’m running on air. No hints of the exhaustion I know lies below it.

Duncan motions to the left, squeezing my hand, and we angle in that direction, going around another boulder. This one is huge, almost a hill of its own. It’s covered with thick moss on this side and looks like an old man with a craggy nose. Oddly it reminds me of the Druid’s face.


The hunter is suddenly there. His rifle aimed at Duncan. He yells as we come around the boulder and I react. I slash towards him with my free hand and power flashes.

The hunter’s eyes widen, and his mouth forms an O as he slams against the boulder. The light in his eyes fades as he gurgles. A trickle of blood traces the deep line from the corner of his mouth and down his chin.


Dull,lifeless eyes stare accusingly. Bile burns into the back of my mouth. Clenching my eyes shut I turn and retch.

“Quinn,” Duncan says. “Come, lass. Come on. Run.”

He grabs my hair and holds it back as I throw up again. When I finish, he pulls me upright and, keeping an arm hooked around my shoulders, guides us away. The accusing, dead eyes burn through my thoughts and the moment their light went out plays over and over.

“He was… he was… he was…” I can’t finish my thought.

“Aye, Quinn,” Duncan says. “It’s okay. You did what you had to do. It’s okay.”

“I… I…”

I killed him. I killed. Killed. Killed. Killed.

The word echoes through my head but my tongue refuses to voice it. If I say it, it’s real. If I don’t say it, then it’s not, not really. If it’s only in my head then it could be no more than a bad dream.

What did I expect? Am I really this foolish?

Two sets of thoughts rage in my head. I thought I was prepared to kill anyone who got in my way to save Duncan. That’s where I started this, but now I’ve done it. Well and good. He was going to kill us so why does he deserve any better in return?

Because life.

I’m not a killer. That’s why. A killer is… is… is what?

I’m cold. So cold I shiver and stumble as we fight our way up the cliffs. Duncan’s warmth is the only thing that gives the world life. Every step is a struggle. All I want to do is sit down and wait out this war between my two halves.


The Fae Queen’s voice echoes loudly as she names me. The name is ominous. Threatening. My stomach revolts and I gag but Duncan doesn’t let us stop. I hear the distant hounds and shouts.

Get a grip, Quinn.

I force myself to stop hunching and stand up straight. Duncan glances, evaluating my mental state, and I nod. There’s no time for being a baby. In life-or-death situations, someone is going to die. That’s it.

I shrug free of his arm, not because I want to, I desperately don’t, but because we can’t move fast enough if I’m slowing him down. His eyes question my resolve. I force a grin and it might be the wrong thing to do because the concern on his face only deepens, but I double down on running and force him to keep up with me.

We run up the hills until we’re both out of breath and panting, then we push past that for as long as we can until my leg muscles refuse to take another step. Only then do I drop to the ground and give my body a rest.

“Ach, you’re in fine shape aren’t you, Quinn?” Duncan asks, half-laughing.

“I’ve been working out.”