
I squeeze his shoulder, and as I do my hand warms. The simple contact between us is like closing a circuit. He flows into me and me into him on some fundamental level that is beyond the simple contact of flesh to flesh. He tenses then twists away, breaking the contact.

“Goddamn it, Quinn,” he says, and my heart breaks when I see his glistening eyes and the deep hurt on his face. “Leave me be.”

“Duncan.” I choke on his name and force a lump out of my throat before I can continue. My own tears loom and the hurt in my chest would seem to be too much to bear. It’d be easier to run, to not do this, but I’m not going to give up on him. On us. “I’m sorry, Duncan. Please, I know I don’t deserve it, but please let me explain.”

“Explain?” His eyes open wide, and his mouth drops to an O. “I thought you’d been captured. Every night for six months I’ve imagined the horrors you were enduring. I’ve berated myself, pushed myself to my limits, done everything I could think of to find you. To rescue you. And now you’re here and I…” He trails off, shaking his head, then rubs his forehead. “You’re not hurt. You’re fine. You look… You look great.”

I tremble. The only thing I want in all the world is to take him in my arms and ease his pain. If there was any way I could undo what happened, I would. Maybe I could. I’ve traveled in time twice, but even I know the risk to trying that. Last time I tried to return to the moment I left him it was anything but.

“Duncan, I’m sorry,” I say through my own sobs. “I love you. Please, let me explain.”

“No,” he says with a slashing gesture of his hand. “No. I’m done. Take your Fae and your magic, and all the crazy, and let me be. I can’t. You have no idea the hell I’ve gone through, and seeing you now.” He shakes his head and raises his fists into the air. “I’ve killed to find you, Quinn. I would have done anything to save you. How can you be fine?”

“It was the Fae—”

“No.” He cuts me off with a glare. “Do not blame. Tell me true. If you did not want my proposal, why did you say yes? I’ve played that moment over and over. Millions of times. You think I missed your hesitation. That I didn’t see the doubt in your eyes? Iknowyou, Quinn. I’d think better than anyone.”

I close my eyes and take a deep breath, trying to keep my emotions in check though every word he says cuts deep because he’s not wrong.

“Yes,” I say. “I did hesitate.”

“I knew it,” he yells, throwing his fists in the air. “You don’t want to marry me. Fine, you could have said so.”

“That’s not it.”

“I told you, Quinn, don’t lie to me. I can’t take it.”

“I’m not lying. I did hesitate, but let me explain why.” I speak quicker because his face falls and the anger burns in his eyes. “I want you to want me for me.”

“And what do you think I want you for if not for you?”

“You, no we, were forced. Agnes was going to make sure I was cast out. You stepped up to save me.”

“Saving you was only a side effect, Quinn.”

“I know, but we don’t know each other that well. How do I know you wouldn’t grow tired of me? Grow to resent being forced to marry me. I didn’t want to put you through that.”

He stares in silence as my heart thunders loud in my ears. His eyes don’t soften but at last he looks down at the ground and makes a humph sound as he shakes his head.

“I have to say,” he says softly, then looks up and meets my eyes, “that is the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard come out of your mouth.”


“You think I’m a fool? Or am I some besotted man so enamored with your feminine wiles? You know what, it doesn’t matter. Forget it, Quinn. I’ll not be going forward with a woman who thinks so little of me.”

I realize I’m staring with wide eyes and my own mouth hanging open, but I can’t believe that’s what he took out of what I said. I shake my head and force my mouth closed but he’s stomping away, albeit slowly with his hurt leg. I rush ahead and grab his shoulder, tugging to stop him.

He spins around in a fit of rage but when our eyes lock something happens. Desire floods my body, and it echoes in him. He grabs my arms and jerks me into him. His mouth smashes onto mine and the coppery tang fills my mouth as our teeth click together.

I grab his hair and knot my hands in it, holding him against me. He grabs my ass, forcing me against him. His hard cock digs into my belly. I wrap my legs around his waist while we kiss. It’s a rough kiss. A kiss of passion, of love and anger. Hurt and betrayal and burning need.

His tongue drives so deep into my mouth I almost choke on it. He grabs my hair and jerks my head back then kisses his way across my face, down my neck, and one-handed, he grabs my blouse and rips.

His unshaven cheeks are rough on my skin, and I love it. The way the stiff hairs of his beard drag across, chafing as he buries himself between my breasts, lavishing each in turn with his tongue. I groan loudly and wiggle my hips against him. His cock hits that special spot and I dry ride him like he’s a mount, pleasure building as we tear at each other.

“Fuck me, Duncan,” I gasp. “Damn it, fuck me like you love me.”