Page 78 of Tangled Up in Texas

Ryan was right. Working there with Andrew lurking around every corner was a mistake. I felt like I was walking into a trap that would only steal away my life, and whether I could avoid it or not at some point, I owed it to myself to try and do better. I’d always envied people my age who had started families and still had a career, but it didn’t mean they lived the life of their dreams. I didn’t need to take this job because it was the only one offered to me. I could persevere, as I had, and as I would. I was in control.

Ryan stirred. His smile made my insides feel like mush, and at that moment, I wanted nothing more than to keep that happiness there, permanently on his lips. He leaned over to kiss me, and I touched his cheek to guide him closer to my mouth. Our tongues intertwined and welcomed each other to a new day, a new moment, a new life.

The curtains hid the sun seeking entry into the room. Our dark chamber kept us from the rest of the world, at least for now. When Ryan finally broke the silence, it was almost too soon.

“Good morning.”

I moaned. “Greater night, though.”

He chuckled, the sleep still leaving a rasp in his voice. “Yeah, you’re right. Did you sleep okay?”

I didn’t answer at first and focused solely on the feeling of his fingers moving through my hair. “No dreams, but it was probably the best night’s sleep I’ve had in a while.”

“Me, too.”

With an exaggerated groan, Ryan rolled out of bed, his heels striking the hard floor with a thud. I rolled to face him, taking in the striking curves of his body, the slight bulge in his arms and legs, and the surprisingly small curvature of his ass.

“What’s so funny?”

I clamped my lips shut when I realized I had giggled a little. He angled his head to search behind him; then he turned his goofy grin to me with a question in his eyes.


“Well, what?”

That was a mistake. Ryan leaped back on the bed and pinned me between his arms, his heated gaze making my stomach swirl with primal hunger. “Are you ticklish?”

I had him beat there. “Nope,” I said proudly. “One of my mother’s least favorite things about me when I was a kid.”


I giggled. One advantage of not being ticklish was that every time someone tried, I knew exactly where it was. But I remembered every jab in my side, just above the ribcage but below the armpits. It was a favorite go-to, I’d learned, so before Ryan leaned in to kiss me again, I grabbed his sides and pressed the pads of my fingers into his skin until he squealed like a child.

“Chris—” was all he got out before he exploded in a fit of laughter. I clambered on top of him as he rolled to the side. Sometimes I wondered what it felt like to be ticklish, but if nothing else, I loved the reaction it elicited from my victims.

“Stop!” he cried, swinging desperately for a grip of my arms or hands. In one sweep, I rolled off him and leaped to my feet, ready to attack again if necessary.

Ryan had to catch his breath, but I stood triumphant. He shot me a menacing glare, and I responded with fingers curled into claws. He was still laughing, but barely, his breaths ragged and heavy. He was defeated, it seemed. It felt good being on the winning side.

“That wasn’t right,” he said as he pulled on his shirt.

“Not right or not how you saw things going?” I looked at him over my shoulder as I fastened my bra. He’d just seen me naked, but it still felt weird to get dressed with him looking.

“Definitely not how I saw that going.”

I laughed, and Ryan finished catching his breath. He sounded winded just by getting dressed, and that alone made me happy.

“Breakfast?” he offered.

“Um...” He liked to eat out a lot. “Maybe in a bit.”

“Do you work today?”

“Sorta.” I pulled my hair from inside my shirt collar and let it fall against my back. “I’m supposed to be at a meeting that starts at noon.” Ryan’s sigh told me he didn’t approve, but I’d been giving it some thought.

“How about I pick up something? I know just the place for a surprise. If that works for you.”

I gave him the best smile I had. For the first time in a while, it felt real. “That sounds awesome.”