Page 24 of Tangled Up in Texas

“Nothing. But Christie, look. You won’t get anywhere with this man if you act high and mighty like you have it all together. You and I both know you don’t. So be nice to him. Be patient. And help him out a little!”

“But that’s not. My. Job. He’s not paying me for that!”

“Did you offer?”

“Why would I do that?”

She sighed heavily as if she were the one being pushed and interrogated and forced into a corner. “You want a job as a business consultant. Why not be his?”

Chapter 12


I didn’t mind the morning crowd at my usual coffee shop during breakfast time. It was kinda nice, actually. Most people were quiet, drinking their coffee or eating their scones, muffins, or whatever while I sipped my Americano. Darlene had turned me on to these. She’d said I needed it before I could admit to being alive, and until I’d started the regimen, I thought she was being dumb. But she wasn’t, as was the case most of the time, and this really got my brain working in the morning.

It still bothered me, not knowing where exactly I’d gone wrong. Darlene always said I just wasn’t around and that she and James were being neglected, but she’d pushed me to do this. She knew starting and maintaining a business would take a lot of my time. She knew that she and James were who I did this for. So why did she want me to do something that would drive her to leave me? Usually, she was right about things, but I’d never truly forgive her for being so wrong about this. I had no idea how to fix whatever mess we were in without giving up the whole company, and I knew that wouldn’t make her happy, either. She knew I wanted to be there for James, yet for some reason, it was always my fault when I couldn’t. Hiring staff and opening offices in other cities took time and travel. I couldn’t be in two places at once.

I set my coffee down and folded my arms over my head as I stared down at the table. How could I fix this?

“Is there anything else I can get for you?”

I looked up into the eyes of a young woman barista. She smiled pleasantly, and I nodded before saying, “Thanks, but I’m good,” and she turned and walked away.

I kept thinking about yesterday. Darlene knew I was coming to visit and somehow decided that I’d chosen not to. Why? Because I hadn’t called? I showed up. Maybe a day late, but I showed up.

“James doesn’t deserve that, though,” I mumbled. The boy was not happy about our arrangement, and it wasn’t fair for me to change plans in the first place. Darlene probably didn’t tell James when I said I’d be there. Usually, I would show up, and he would be surprised. I hadn’t thought about it before, but that was probably intentional. She probably didn’t want to get the little guy’s hopes up in case I called and couldn’t make it. And I had to admit, that was happening more and more often.

Great. I really was the asshole this time. I’d thought continuing to live in Dallas would help. I thought I’d have the chance to keep being there for my son, but was I really that distant? Did I fail my family?

This wasn’t where I saw myself, divorced, fighting for custody of my kid, and holding a stranger’s phone hostage. I didn’t even expect to have that night with Christie. Damn, she probably thought I was some loser. Just like Darlene did. I’d somehow convinced two incredible women to give me the time of day, and those women rejected me when they realized I didn’t fit their mold.

“Hey, man!”

I looked up from my untouched coffee to see a face I hadn’t seen since college. “Elroy!” I reached high for the high-five he was going to give me, and we laughed when our palms slapped hard.

The guy was taller than me, and even as he sat across from me and leaned over the table, his eyes angled down to meet mine. “What are youdoinghere, Ryan? Shoot, I thought you left this place!”

I shook my head. “Where’d you hear that? Man, I haven’t seen you in ages. You look good!” I gestured to the bright blue suitcoat he wore and chuckled. “What are you doing these days, trying to be bluer than the sky?”

Elroy rolled his eyes. “You never knew how to tell a joke. I like to look good. I’m still at the bank.”

“A bank? Have a loan for a brother?”

“You wish.” Elroy tossed his head to send a stray black lock back to join the rest of his shoulder-length hair. “But seriously, dude, did you really get a divorce?”

I frowned. “How did you hear that?”

“I actually heard it from Darlene’s new man. I’d never take her side or anything. Just wanted to see if you were okay.”

I stared at my clasped hands for a moment, the excitement of seeing an old friend fading fast. He’d known Darlene longer than me. Of course, he’d be more likely to keep in touch with her. “How do you know that asshole?”

“He works at the bank with me. The one you and Darlene have your account at?”

“I didn’t know you worked there.”

He nodded and pushed another stray lock back above his head. “Yeah, man. Been more than five years now, I think. Got a promotion, so I don’t see Darlene at the counter anymore.”

“What? She never even told me she saw you!”