Page 38 of Tangled Up in Texas

My smile hurt my cheeks, and I laughed. “I want to. You have to ask your mom.”

His feet thudded against the floor again as he ran to what I assumed was the kitchen. The TV in the background played a familiar channel that brought back memories of Darlene at the counter, prepping meals for the freezer. It was Sunday. It would be today.

The sound of more crackling prepared me for the change in who had the phone. “I’m not keeping him from you, so don’t say that. I just have plans tonight, and he has school, and—”

“Just for a little while.”

“How about tomorrow? Huh? If you really want to see him, pick him up tomorrow. Take him to daycare.”

“Why can’t he just stay with me all day? He doesn’t need daycare.”

“Except that he does. He missed a lot of days when we first divorced. Remember?”

“I remember.” I would usually take him to daycare, and a few days after I moved out, he refused to go.

“Usually, Duke takes him to daycare, and I pick him up after work.”

I scratched my beard, trying to puzzle it out. “What time do you get out of work?”

“Late. I have to stay late tomorrow.”

I sure as hell didn’t want to bring him back home to Duke. “I’ll have to take him with me to a few open houses. Think he’ll like that?”

“You’re looking at houses?”

My brow furrowed. “Why did you say it like that?”

“It’s just been so long. I didn’t even know you were going to look. I thought you might even move to Waco, as much as you’ve been there lately.”

“Of course, I’m going to look. I want him to stay with me. I want him to be with me more. I put in an offer on one, but it might fall through, so I’m looking at more tomorrow.”

“Oh,” Darlene said, though, for the first time in a long while, she sounded surprised. Like the time when I’d come home from work early simply because I missed them. Was it that strange? “Well, that will be good. He’d love to be part of that.”

My chest swelled, and I nodded, swiping my thumb across my eyes and sniffing back the oncoming tears. “Yeah, okay. Thank you.”

I talked to James long enough to tell him I’d be there in the morning. He sounded so excited, but instead of making me happy, it made me feel sad. I’d really been neglecting my time with him. I told him goodnight and let out a breath that took with it the weight of something missing.

I’d see my boy tomorrow. I couldn’t wait.

Chapter 17


I pressed my hand against my navel and moved my hand downward, but Ryan caught it and replaced it with his own.

“Do you want me?”

I whimpered and nodded, my core humming with need as his fingers applied a small amount of pressure to my nub. I squirmed, waiting for him to do more, but he kept it there, his hot breath brushing my ear.

“Tell me you want me.”

I opened my mouth to respond, but his hand moved, and I silently pleaded for him to go inside me. His other hand slithered up my side until he’d gripped both of my hands and pulled me to his face, so I had to meet his gaze.

My body trembled. He’d been making me wait until I was soaking wet. I moaned my desires, then when I remembered his request, I breathed, “I want you.”

He hummed his consent but didn’t release his grip on my wrists. When his head angled downward, I squealed at the sharp pleasure of his hot lips around my nipple.

“I want you,” I whispered again, my eyes clenched shut while I arched into him. His member pressed firmly against my front, teasing my entrance but not giving in. He was enjoying this. Too much.