Ryan said something that I didn’t hear, so I started to lean over the bar to ask. Before I could, Mike lurched forward, reaching for the napkin he’d neglected earlier. “Looks like I’m stuck here tonight.”

My eyes widened. “You’re not the only one,” I said as I sat back on my stool, swiveling slightly. Several flights had been canceled, and sometimes airlines provided credits or something. Hotel stays, maybe. I wondered if I could talk my way into getting one. Then I wouldn’t have to go home. I could order a pizza or some Whataburger, maybe watch a movie, be my own woman for once. Or invite someone to share my room.

I blushed at the thought. I’d been thinking about that a lot lately. I hadn’t really thought about dating in years—I’d been so focused on school and work—but this was the second time in the last month that I’d been hit on, and it was making me wonder if that was part of nearing your thirties. Desperate times called for sticking yourself out there.

“You too, huh?” he asked.

I glanced at my glass, wondering if I should drink water for a while.

“You’re too pretty to be by yourself. No one’s with you?”

I narrowed my eyes at him, rising to sit up straight. “I have an army waiting outside for me.”

The hungry glint in his eyes remained despite his posture, which stiffened as he waved his hands in front of him. “No, no. I don’t mean like that. I’m sorry. I just meant you’re taking a trip alone. Like to visit family? Or is it business? Are you a working woman?”

“What if it’s both?” I’d felt a flicker of chemistry for a moment, but now the spark was sputtering out. I wouldn’t ask him if he was a working man.

“Calm down. Calm down,” he said. “Look, I just wanted to tell you that you caught my eye, is all.”


He nodded and smiled again, settling back on his stool and leaning closer to me. I started to lean back, only to hit the backrest. “You’re pretty. I’ll bet you’re a lot prettier up close. Up real close …” The smooth tone gave me a weird feeling, and for some reason, I couldn’t find my voice. I opened and closed my mouth as if I’d eventually say something, but Mike’s smile grew as he seemed to peel off my clothes with his eyes, the penetrating gaze making me feel vulnerable and exposed.

“I think you are starting to annoy the lady, sir,” Ryan said. When Mike swiveled in his stool, Ryan pulled his hand back after getting his attention. “Might be best if you go back to the other side of the bar.”


“Other side of the bar. Now.” The firm glare Ryan gave him made me shudder. Something was demanding about his green gaze that made my heart hitch, and I swallowed as Mike slowly rose to his feet, then took his drink back to the side of the bar, where he glared at Ryan from afar.

I started to smile at how easily a creeper was dismissed, but it fell away when Ryan met my gaze. Whatever superpower he had, I wanted it.

“Sorry. Maybe you like guys like that, and I’ll back off if you do, but he’s been eyeing you since you sat here. Fuckin’ disgusted me the way he talked to you just now.”

“It wasn’tthatbad. He might’ve just been a little bit of a creeper.” I chuckled. “And I can stand up for myself, thank you.” I didn’t want to give him too much grief. He was just trying to help.

Ryan scratched his beard. “Yeah, well, I don’t think a little flirtin’ does much harm, but he was getting’ that look in his eyes …”

“Yeah. I know how that goes,” I repeated. “Some boys just don’t like to hear no.” Gazing into my glass, I sighed softly.

He leaned back in his seat. “Yeah, totally. Boys is right. Sure as hell ain’t men.” A laugh escaped his lips in a puff of air. “Just know that look he was givin’ you.”

“And what look was that?” I challenged.

“One that might not end the way you want.”

I measured him, wondering whether I should feel flattered or insulted by how he stepped between us. I had to admit Mike had started giving me weird vibes, and I wasn’t one to challenge fate. At the thought, I eyed my whiskey and chose a slow, careful breath when I realized who’d bought the drink.

“You’re fine,” Ryan said. “Bartender made it and gave it to you. He didn’t touch it.”

“You were watching pretty close,” I commented as I downed the rest.

“Just keeping an eye out.”

I canted my head in thought. “Defending your territory?”

He brushed his arm across his space at the table until it reached a spot inches away from my glass. “How about we draw a line? You stay on your side and me on mine. That way, you don’t think I’m tryin’ anything.”

“How will you knowI’mnot trying anything?” I challenged, realizing once I said it that I was flirting. Ryan’s green eyes sparkled as the skin around his eyes wrinkled with his smile. It was a contagious smile, one that made my stomach flutter. That moment cleared the tension from earlier; I relaxed on the stool and leaned an elbow onto the bar. “I won’t flirt if you won’t.”