Page 7 of Buried Betrayal

I’d taken precautions before I came to Braidwood. Colored contacts to hide my green eyes. My natural dark blond hair had been concealed by dye for years. But this purple was by far my favorite. My carefully applied makeup looked natural, but concealer and bronzer could do amazing things. My nose was magically slimmer than it normally was. My eyes seemed bigger than they really were. It took me forever to do this morning, but this moment made it all worth it.

I hadn’t stepped foot in Braidwood since I left when I was thirteen. I planned on never coming back. A fucking pipe dream. I knew deep in my soul that something would drag me back here. When Everly invited me to come with her, I couldn’t say no. This trip wasn’t for fun. If anyone here found out what I was actually doing, even my last name wouldn’t save me. I’d disappear, never to be heard from again.

When Everly had told me about this outdoor court, I couldn’t pass up the chance to play. It calmed my nerves. If I’d known the boys I despised would be here, I would have been far out of Braidwood by now. Fear was still coursing through me from being so close to them. I thought for sure they would have recognized me. But we’d all changed a lot in the past nine years. When I’d left for boarding school, we hadn’t been on horrible terms.

What I’d been doing to them in secret for the last two years changed that. If they realized who I was, I was so fucked.

“I’m sorry,” Everly muttered, standing next to me. “If the car wasn’t blocked, we could leave—”

“It’s not your fault,” I assured her as I watched Eli and West play their game.

“It doesn’t really seem like you’re enjoying yourself. I know my cousin can be an ass, but he’s nice too.”

I knew that. West had a sweet side. All three of them did. Even though Eli hid his better than the other two. The game captured my attention as Eli made an easy layup.

Eli had always been cute, but now he was breathtakingly gorgeous. His mom was Japanese, and his father was African American. Their combined genes had forged the perfect man in front of me. His black hair was cut short with a slight fade. A gold chain hung from his neck and disappeared under his shirt. His muscled arms were covered with tattoos. Even with the frown that had been on his lips all night, it was hard not to stare at his face. His brown eyes seemed to change colors depending on his mood. They were almost black as night when River had showed up.

River. I had known there was a chance of running into Eli and Weston when I stepped back into Braidwood. I never expected to see River. As if knowing I was thinking about him, he fell onto the bleachers next to me. His hip grazed mine, and I scooted closer to Everly as my guard rose.

“You realize we’ll be playing those two in the last game,” River said, moving closer and invading my personal space.

“I know,” I ground out. River and I had already won three games. Same with Eli and Weston. There were only two more before the game for first place. I’d been careful with how I was playing. Even all these years later, some of my basketball moves would out who I really was. I had no doubt they’d remember.

“Who are you trying to fool?” River murmured, his lips nearly brushing my cheek. “They’ll realize it when they play against you.”

My teeth slammed together, and I tore my head away from him. I was glad the crowd was loud, covering our conversation. The second River had looked at me, I’d figured he recognized me. The other two hadn’t laid eyes on me in nine years. But River…I’d run into him when we were seventeen. I hadn’t changed that much in five years. His arm slid around my waist, and he pulled me back to him.

“Don’t make a scene, Kit-Kat.” The use of my old nickname got to me more than I’d ever admit. “I know what you’ve been up to for the last two years. So do Eli and West. They find out you’re here, you’re fucked. You really should have been more discreet about it.”

“They deserved it,” I snapped, being sure to keep my voice low. “But it’s not just them I hate. You know what you did, River.”

“I never got a chance to apologize—”

“I don’t want your apologies,” I cut him off. “I want you to get your hands off me.”

River chuckled, tightening his hold. “What are you doing back here?”

“A lapse in judgment,” I muttered, panic clinging to me like a second skin. “I didn’t think I’d run into them. I’ll be gone by tomorrow.”

“This city has a hold on you, just like the rest of us,” he said darkly. “You’ll come back.”

No, I wouldn’t. What I was planning would ensure that. But once it was all said and done, I’d have to run for the rest of my life. Still better than being back here. River watched the game finish up, and I took that time to really look at him. He was just as hot as Eli and Weston, but he was the most laid-back one. His longer black hair was the perfection of messy waves. Dark stubble covered his cheeks, but it only enhanced his strong jawline.

“Why are you back?” I asked curiously. “They want to kill you as much as me. You’re walking into bloodshed coming here.”

“I’ll tell you when you spill why you’re here.” I kept my mouth shut, and he shook his head. “That’s what I thought. But I have a feeling you’ll be right next to me this year. You got their attention, Kat. They aren’t going to leave you alone now. And why would they want to? You grew up fucking gorgeous.”

“They will.” Unease filtered through my voice because River was right. Eli and West had been sneaking glances at me since the night had started. If I spent any more time with them, they’d realize it.

Everly shot me a curious glance and raised an eyebrow as she nodded toward River. “I can see why you blew off my cousin. He’s hot.”

“Don’t inflate his ego.” I rolled my eyes. “You’re more than welcome to him. I have no interest.”

“Says the girl who already claimed his arm as her own.”

I gritted my teeth, not knowing which would be worse. Dealing with the glares Eli and West were giving us or making a scene to get him to let me go. A lump grew in my throat as I caught Eli’s gaze. Violence brewed in his eyes, making me swallow thickly, wondering if he connected the dots and realized who I was. Deciding I needed to get the hell out of here, I jammed my elbow into River’s gut. The shock of the blow made him loosen his hold, and I shot to my feet.

“I’m going to walk back to the hotel,” I said in a rush to Everly as I created space between River and me.