Page 121 of What a Duchess Wants


Dinner was entertaining and Colin decided that Michael had made a good choice in a wife. She was amiable and seemed happy to have him in her home. After that, he excused himself to give them the privacy he knew they craved.

He put down the book he was reading, an archeological exposition, and headed towardsthe kitchens for some tea, preferably one that would help him sleep. He was not the type of man who would wake a sleeping servant justto fetch hima cup oftea and finding the kitchens was simple enough, butwas unable to locate a blendthat would help him sleep. So, h e decided to return to his chambers and was about to round a corner in the maze of corridors when he collided with something soft — or rather, someone soft. A female, if his judgment served him well.

Her gasp filled the air, and he instinctively placed his hand on the small of her back to steady her, a move that brought them closer.When she looked up, he was pleased that such a woman was pressed against him. The loveliest pair of blue eyes regarded him and his blood rushed with desire.


Imogen was frightened when she accidentally bumped into someone, and her fear was heightened when she felt a hand on the small of her back. However, that fear was alleviated slightly when the man raised the candle he was holding and she sawhim clearly. Warm hazel eyes met hers, and she couldn't help but notice she was being held up against a strong, muscled chest.

“Forgive me,” he said; releasing her and stepping away. “I did not see you.”

“Forgive me, as well,” she said; surprised at the calmness in her voice.

His smiled rivaled the candle’s brightness and he bowed before her. “I am Colin. Michael’s cousin.”

She almost averted her gaze as heat rose from her chest to her cheeks. It was unusual for her to notice how attractive a gentleman was, but she couldn't help herself. He seemed to be expecting a response from her, so she introduced herself as “I am Imogen. Emily's younger sister.” She had no idea why she had introduced herself in this manner. Perhaps it was the intensity of his gaze that caused her flush to deepen, forcing her to look away.

“It is a pleasure to meet you.” He smiled again and she swallowed, mustering one of her own. When a moment passed and nothing was said between them, he smiled again. “Good night.”

“Good night, Colin.”

Imogen watched as he walked down the hall, carrying all the light with him, his smile and the illumination provided by his candle. She wrapped her arms around her midriff and made her way to the kitchen. She'd awoken earlier, thinking she'd only slept for an hour, until she checked the time and discovered it was nearly midnight. Emily must have let her sleep because she thought she desperately needed the rest. She was still tiredbutcouldn't sleep until her hunger was satisfied.

She found some milk in a jug and a cup, then turned to look at the stove, which she recognized as a Rumford stove. Her house had one, but she'd never learned to cook on it. She shrugged, filled her cup, buttered a slice of bread from a loaf she found in a cupboardand sat at a table in the corner to eat. She heard footsteps in the hallway as she took her first sip of milk. Her breath caught when she thought — nay, hoped — it was Colin returning, but when no one appeared, she returned her attention to her food.

Slowly, her thoughts returned to him, causing her to wonder how she had never met him in all the years she had known Michael. She had not seen him at the wedding, and neither Emily nor Michael had mentioned his existence. But then she remembered that she had met very few young and handsome gentlemen while she was married to Harris. He was a bitterly jealous man, which had often fueled his cruelty.At events, he would ensure she was always at his side and steered her away immediately after introductions were made and the gentlemen were handsome.

Imogen shut her eyes and took a large bite of the bread, determined to spend a moment without Harris plaguing her thoughts. She deliberately recalled Colin’s attractive features, his smile and how his eyes had gleamed in the candlelight.Instead of bringing her the calmness she wanted, the thoughts confused her. She had sworn never to marry again or even regard a gentleman with any form of amorous admiration. Yet she was unable to think of Colin in any other manner.

She hurriedly finished eating and returned to her chambers. The thought of seeing him again while she stayed in Lanburn kept her up for nearly two hours until weariness won.

* * *

“Imogen!” Emily’s cheerful voice welcomed her sister from the breakfast room. “Good morning. You look lovely today.”

“Good morning, and thank you. You look rather splendid yourself,” she returned; smiling as she approached the dining table.

She felt much better when she woke up thatmorning and chose to wear the most vibrant of her half-mourning clothes, a lilac frock with a matching shawl.

“I expected you to wake me up for dinner,” she said; sitting at the table.

“Oh, you were positively peaceful. I would have committed a grave crime had I woken you. Tea?” she asked and when Imogen nodded, she began to pour some into a cup. “And I did not dine alone, for Michael returned in time with his cousin, Colin.”

Imogen’s eyes snapped up at the mention of Colin and for some odd reason, she glanced towards the door.

“He is a most amiable gentleman,” Emily continued; handing her the filled teacup. “I met him yesterday for the first time since marrying Michael. He was away in the Far East, but his—" She broke off when she heard footsteps in the hallway. “Oh, here they come.”

Imogen decided that was the best time to sip her tea, which hid her face as the gentlemen entered the room. She lowered her cup in time to meet Michael’s welcoming gaze.

He bowed. “What a pleasure to have you here, Imogen.” He straightened. “Allow me to present my cousin, Colin Smith, the Marquess of Wingham.” Turning to Colin, he introduced her. “The Dowager Duchess of Murrendale.”

Imogen had to look up at him now. He smiled down at her, betraying nothing about seeing her the night before, and bowed politely. “It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Your Grace.”

She inclined her head in that regal manner that she always did since becoming a duchess. “Likewise, Lord Wingham.” She thought she saw him wince ever so slightly but he recovered so quickly that she might have imagined it.

The gentlemen took their seat and Imogen could feel Colin’s gaze on her. It warmed her skin, reminding her of how deeply she had flushed the night before. When their eyes met across the table, she quickly looked away but not before she felt the heat rise to her cheeks.