Page 108 of What a Duchess Wants

“Will, what are you doing?” She reached down and grabbed a handful of his hair.

“It is time,” he said, looking up at her, along the naked length of her.

“Time for what?” She gasped.

“For your wedding present.”

He drew her closer to his mouth by sliding both hands beneath her bottom. Then it was his hot, smooth tongue inside her, not his fingers, moving and writhing against her as his hands squeezed her bottom everso tightly. Everything was hot, wet, and soft as velvet. His fingers caressed her nub while his tongue traced patterns inside her. Then he moved, as if she were floating on a cloud of pleasure, and his lips closed over the tiniest piece of flesh and licked and sucked at her. As she writhed against his grasp, a wave of pleasure shot up her body. He pushed his fingers backinside her.

“Stop! Stop!” She insisted, but he didn’t, he just held her tighter, kissed her harder, probed her deeper, and the wave was rising higher and higher until it felt uncontrollable, and everything inside of her suddenly exploded, and she arched upwards, pulsating from head to toe.

“Will! Oh my god, Will.”

Triumphant, Will immediately moved up to lean over her, his arms outstretched. He was moving his legs between hers, and then she could feel his long, hot shaft pushing inside her body, creating a heat and a pressure which consumed her.

“Rose, Rose, Rose,” he was saying as he moved against her, so slowly at first but then faster and more urgently.

Her arms came around to hold him, touching his back and then his buttocks, pushing him deeper inside her, feeling as if nothing was enough to fill her.

His rhythm was constant now, faster and faster. She felt the urgency in every sinew of his body.

“I’m so close,” she heard him say, “Rose, I can’t stop,” and then she heard him gasp and felt a glorious rush of heat flowing into her. He stopped moving, and for a moment, he was suspended above her, on shaking arms, his whole body shuddering. And then he collapsed down on top of her.

She held him, bringing her hand to rest on the curls at the back of his neck. He was drawing in great ragged gulps of air as his chest heaved against hers.

She felt like she was floating slowly down from a soft cloud. She couldn’t feel her arms or legs, but she didn’t care.

They lay like that for several minutes, both breathing heavily. Then eventually, Will lifted his head and looked into her eyes.

“Mrs. Browning,” he gasped. “I don’t know how I am going to keep up with you.”

He rested his forehead on her collarbone.

“Is it always this magical?” she asked him, only just able to control her own breathing enough to speak.

“I certainly hope so,” he said, laughing.

He rolled over onto his back then, and they lay silently, side-by-side, staring at the patterns of the flames on the ceiling. He reached over and held her hand, wrapping his big warm palm around her small slim one. Lifting his head, he looked down their bodies.

“We never got to the garters,” he laughed.

“You can remove them next time,” she smiled, and he laughed and brought her hand up to his mouth and kissed it.

“God, I love you, Rose,” he said, and she grinned back at him.

“I love you, Will Browning.”

She rolled across him and wrapped her leg around his waist.

“I have never felt anything like that.”

“Never?” Will looked pleased.

“I didn’t know my body was capable of such sensations.”

“Well, my love,” Will whispered. “We shall have to make sure we unearth everything it is capable of.”

Rose hugged him fiercely with her arm and her leg.