Page 107 of What a Duchess Wants

He rolled one nipple between his fingers, then the other, as he watched her writhe and tried to concentrate enough to release the last of the laces. Her nipples hardened into stones beneath his fingers. He wanted to stand up, kiss and lick them, but there were more layers to peel away before he could claim his prize.

He snatched her corset from her fingers and threw it behind him. He then put his hands on her hips. Her drawer's drawstring was right in front of him. All he had to do was reach out and release it, and he'd finally get to see the side of Rose he'd never seen before, the side he'd yearned to see. Hewas so close. He ran his hands up and down both sides of her hips, letting his fingers reach halfway around her bottom as he squeezed the soft flesh through the fabric. She seemed to sense his hesitation. She looked at him questioningly, then reached for the drawstring herself. He pushed her hands away. He wanted to do this, not her.

He undid the drawstring with trembling fingers and slowly edged the material downwards over her hips, revealing the slight roundness beneath her navel and then the triangle of soft downy blond hair where her legs met her body. He stopped for a moment, staring at her, taking a deep breath. The longing in him was becoming unbearable. He looked her in the eyes. Her breath came out in quick, sharp bursts.

He turned her between his hands, moving her to face away from him, so he could pull the material down her bottom and touch her shapely behind. He heard her let out a gasp as he slowly traced the contours of her cheeks with his fingers.

He didn’t know which part of her he wanted the most. He kept pushing the fabric of her drawers down until her bottom was totally exposed. He stroked her there, running his fingers across the backs of her thighs and then up to her waist. He wanted to spread her legs and touch inside of her. Still, he held back, turning her to face him again instead, stroking the soft blonde hair once more, and then allowing his hands to trail down the soft insides of her thighs until he revealed the garters he had bought her, at the top of her stockings.

Her drawers had pooled around her ankles now, and Rose kicked off her low-heeled pumps and pushed the drawers away.

Now, she was standing before him in nothing but her stockings and garters.

His eyes caressed her from her neck to her knees.

Then, he rose to his feet in front of her, knowing he could not play this game anymore. He ripped his own shirt off, heedless of where the buttons fell. He flung the material across the room and then picked her up in his arms, strode to the mattress, and laid her on it. Her white stockings and blue garters taunted him as he stood above her.

He tore at the front of his breeches, pulling them down and off his body as his eyes drank her in. Only his drawers remained.

“Don’t stop,” she said softly as she stretched languorously on the mattress.

Her eyes were on his body as he lowered his undergarments, inch by inch, her hot, burning gaze searing his skin as he revealed the entirety of himself to her.

* * *

Rose could not take her eyes off him. He was standing before her, a rippling mass of sculpted muscle. His engorged manhood stood erect away from his body. No man had ever stood naked before her. She could not stop looking at him. But as gorgeous as he was to peruse, she knew he would feel even more wonderful wrapped around her. She reached up her arms to him, wanting to hold him, feel him, touch him.

With a deep growl, he fell on her and gathered her up against him, and for the first time, she could feel the whole length of him, her breasts to his chest, her stomach to his stomach, and lower down, his manhood pressing against the very center of her.

“I want you,” Will said against her ear. “I need you.” And then his lips were on hers, and he was kissing her as if his life depended on it, touching her hair, shoulders, and breasts. She writhed against him. She wanted him just as much as he did her. The warmth of the fire caressed their backs as they rolled in each other’s embrace.

Eventually, he lifted his lips from hers and pulled back a little to make a gap between their bodies, so he could look down the length of her. Her gaze followed his.

He ran his hand slowly down the soft, flat skin of her stomach and then kept going. She watched as his fingers stalled above the triangle of blonde hair. He raised questioning eyes to hers. She nodded, and he began to trace ever-increasing circles in the soft downy mound, slowly moving lower.

Rose held her breath as all the muscles in her abdomen contracted at the tingling sensation he was creating. His hand was grazing both sides of her thighs as he pushed her legs a little wider apart, and she lay back, giving herself up to him. He began to rub in the same place he had touched her when she was still dressed, but now there was no barrier to the warmth and the sensation. The feel of his fingers on her bare skin was exquisite.

“Do you like that?” he asked softly, leaning over her, and she nodded as he explored deeper, sliding one finger between the lips there and stroking her. His touch was becoming more urgent as he pressed harder. The feeling was radiating out into her legs and stomach. Then he hit one spot where every single muscle in her abdomen went into spasm.

She grabbed his arm.

“Will,” she gasped.

“There, my love?” He touched her in the same spot again.

“No, stop!” She clawed against him.

“You don’t really want me to stop, do you?” He murmured as he lessened the pressure of his hand for a moment but then began to rub again, slowly, rhythmically, as she writhed beneath his fingers.

He moved them downwards from the nub he was stroking to the opening to the center of her. She felt him slide one finger inside her and her whole body went rigid.

“Just lie back and enjoy it,” he whispered against her neck.

He was moving his finger in and out of her, touching the hot liquid center of her, until one finger was not enough to satiate the feeling that was growing there.

“Touch me more,” she breathed, reaching down to press his hand harder against her. Then, she felt two of Will’s fingers slide inside her, and she reared up to meet his touch. Then his thumb was brushing against her nub once more, and she felt as though she was impaled on his hand, as he created a riot of sensations in her she had never felt before.

“I need to kiss you,” Will said urgently. She turned her mouth to his, but he was sliding down her body, taking his head to the level where he was touching. Very gently, he spread her legs wide to lie between them, never stopping the feathering of his fingers and thumb against her.