But then I think of all the ways it could go wrong.
I think of hownot-textingit is, how the shield will be lifted.
Could we do it another night?I send quickly, hating myself a little.
And, if I’m being honest, more than that.
Sure,he replies.I’ll be waiting. Dreaming about you, Della. Always.
Thanks for understanding.
You don’t have to thank me. One thing. If I interview Hudson, I’ll need to know…have you told him about us?
No, I reply.He’s pretty protective. I guess I wanted to wait.
That’s fine.I just wanted to check. I’ll let you get to your studying. I’m counting the seconds until I can see and touch you again….
Me too, I respond, silently yelling at myself to tell him I’ve changed my mind.
I want him to come over after all.
But I just can’t do it.
“This place is awesome,” Hudson says as I lead him around the large open-plan training area.
There are mats all over the floor, with heavy bags on one side, speed bags, a large sparring cage, a boxing ring, and more exercise equipment spread throughout.
“I’ve been in quite a few gyms in my life…but this is next level.”
I smile at the younger man. I liked him right away when I saw him jogging toward the gym, his posture straight, his movements disciplined, not even seeming to notice or care it was raining.
Hell, I liked him last night, when Della told me he was protective.
It might create some issues, sure, but I’d rather she has somebody looking out for her than not. And it’s a bonus he knows how to fight.
“Thank you,” I tell him.
He grins, looking around. He’s got one of our gym towels draped over his shoulders, his lean body tensed from the exercise.
“I’m guessing you know what all this is,” I say, waving a hand.
He chuckles lightly. “Yes, sir. That won’t be a problem.”
“What weight class were you back when you were training?” I ask.
He frowns, and I wonder if I’ve prodded at a sensitive spot.
“It’s a noble thing, Hudson, what you did. Quitting training to support your sister. You should be proud.”
Hudson tilts his head at me. “Della told you about that?”
I’ve overstepped the mark, revealing Della had shared things with me she’d have no reason to.
“She mentioned it,” I murmur.