Quickly, I go onto the music app on my phone, playing a pop song the loudest it’ll go. He frowns for a moment as though he hates the need for this, but then he heads for the door.
I watch him go, almost yelling at him to come back, but knowing it’ll cause too many problems with Hudson here.
Eli opens the door and walks across the living room.
Then he’s gone.
We got away with it, the sneaking around.
I’m sorry you had to leave like that, I text him, feeling like a piece of me has been physically removed now he’s no longer here.
So am I, but I can’t be too sorry. We know for sure now, Della. We want the same thing.
Always, I respond, praying this isn’t some Jess-type prank, some unfunny evil thing.
I don’t think it is. I can’t imagine him being so callous.
I feel like I know him, on a deep level, better than most people do.
My man, my Eli, the only one I’ll ever need.
Forever, he texts back.I mean that, Della. Nothing’s ever going to break us up. Maybe we’ll make a baby our first time. Maybe that’s why we both waited, knowing our first time would be extra special. When I claim your body, it’ll be to start our lives together.
This is crazy, I type.But I have to say it…I love you, Eli. So much.
But no. That’s too far.
Quickly deleting it, I send instead,I want that so badly.
I’m back in my office, struggling to focus on my prep work for my next one-on-one.
I keep thinking about last night.
Sometimes, it’s the shame of sneaking out that returns to me. Hudson is a good man, and he doesn’t deserve to have people skulking around behind his back.
But that’s only a quiet thought compared with the reverberations of affection and lust and….
Screw it. I can’t ignore it anymore, as insane as it would sound to somebody who wasn’t going through this.
If that isn’t what I feel for Della, if that isn’t what all this planning for a shared future means, then I don’t know what weight the word can possibly hold.
It’s love pounding through me, making me think of my Della with our baby cradled in her arms.
My phone vibrates from the desk. I texted Della this morning to say hello… and remind her I meant everything I said last night.
Good morning. I’m so glad to hear that, Eli. I kept wondering if maybe it was a dream.
Not a dream. It’s as sweet as one, as perfect as one…but it’s real. I need to tell you in person. Then you can remember my voice every time you start to doubt.
That sounds so perfect, but we have to be careful in school.
We don’t want you storming out again, huh?