Page 41 of A Revenge so Sweet

"That's it, hold it." He slams into me, over and over again, hitting that sweet spot relentlessly. "Hold it."

I try really fucking hard not to come, but I'm fighting a losing battle as he plunges one last time, so deep I can feel him fucking everywhere. His fingers squeeze just a little harder and my vision blurs at the corners as my breath comes in shallow little gasps.

I'm either going to disobey or pass out.

"That's my good girl. Now come all over my fucking cock."

The moment his command reaches my fading consciousness, my entire body reacts on its own. My muscles give way and my orgasm explodes into a million lightning bolts across every nerve ending in my body.

I don't know what sound I make as I come like never before, but I know that Travis is right there with me.

When I’m done, he gathers me in his arms and kisses my forehead. "Such a good girl."

A shiver runs down my body as he squeezes me tight, and I let out a sigh as real life starts to filter back into my senses. "Does this mean we have to go back to reality now?"

He chuckles, and my head bounces on his chest. "Not just yet, we’ve got time."

I know he’s lying, but I’m not about to contradict him, because right now, in this moment, there’s nowhere else I’d rather be.



After the insanity of Christmas break, I can't believe I'm saying this, but I'm actually looking forward to getting back to normal and starting classes again.

Obviously, last semester looks entirely different than this one and I've got a lot less classes this time around, but I'm looking forward to starting fresh and sinking my teeth into something new and trying to forget everything.

I look over my schedule, noting my classes for the day.

We're starting back on a Wednesday, so I'm already aware that my world’s going to be completely off balance, but I'm starting with Intro to Drawing and Contemporary World Literature today. I can't explain how happy that makes my heart because I feel like I haven’t drawn in too long. So being forced to do some form of drawing every week is going to make my little heart happy. And Contemporary World Literature on the same day? This semester is ticking all of my nerd boxes.

I spend extra time getting ready this morning than I normally do since the cold of winter is still in play. I pull on jeans, a pair of fur-lined boots, and a long-sleeve t-shirt with a thick knit cardigan, then straighten my hair and throw on my slouch beanie.

I'm not gonna lie—I look cute as fuck.

If only I felt as calm and collected on the inside as I look on the outside.

Everything that has happened since Thanksgiving still has me reeling. Adding Travis’s confession and everything with my mom on top of it all… it just feels wild. At least I have the comfort that the engagement is officially off.

I grab my phone and text Penn to see if she wants to grab coffee before my morning class. It's not long before she messages back saying she doesn't have class this morning, but asks if I want to meet her at the cafeteria for lunch. I let her know I will before grabbing my stuff to head downstairs.

It's weird waking up without the puppies all over me, but Asher snuck in super early this morning to tell me that they were all going out to start their exercise routine again now that the semester has started.

And that, apparently, meant running with the dogs at ass o'clock in the morning.

I'm just glad they didn't try to make me get in on their exercise routine, because running that early in the day is not something that's ever going to happen to me. Running at all, regardless of the time of day, isn't going to work for me.

I get downstairs and start tinkering in the kitchen. It's the first chance I've had to really cook in here because I’m never alone in the house. There is at least always one of the guys here and they all seem to enjoy cooking.

I make myself some pancakes and bacon, reveling in the ability to just do it for myself without having to check with someone or being worried about if eating now means I don't get to eat later.

The problem with all this food is, my hips are really starting to round out even further. My ass has already gotten a bit bigger, which it definitely didn’t need, but I'm not going to stress over that.

Considering everything else that I have going on in my life, my ass can be a little chunky.

All it means is that if someone's chasing me, I'm going to be even slower than normal to run away. I'm officiallythatgirl in a horror movie.

After breakfast, I drive to campus, and it's nice to be an anonymous person amid the hustle bustle at the start of a new semester. To get lost in the crowd and be a nameless, faceless number in the chaos.