Page 8 of Snow Thanks


Iwanted to be mad at my folks for barging over here and hogging my girls this morning. I had planned to head here after working out to make them breakfast, but Ma beat me to it. Every minute that goes by proves my mom knows what she’s doing, though.

Tension and strain have held Sirena’s shoulders tightly squared against the world since I met her. I never knew why and was trying to give her time to warm up to me, so I could learn her secrets on her terms. Her absence from work last night pushed that timetable out of her hands, and my mom’s done the rest.

As much as I want to be the only one showering my girls in love and affection, it’s obvious watching them bloom under my mother’s care that they’ll benefit from being pulled into the whole Taylor squad. My girls need family, and my parents have planted their flag and made it obvious they’re claiming Sirena and Lavender whether I manage to or not.

As if that’s even an option. Last night set my path in stone, and every moment forward is simply solidifying it more.

“Snookie, why don’t you go pick out some clothes to put on after we brush your teeth and do your hair. Then we’ll pack a bag for overnight. If you get scared or want to talk to me tho—”

“We’ll call your phone, and you can come right over and get her,” Ma cuts in, making it clear Sirena will never be out of reach for her daughter. Everyone’s smiling, even Sirena, as my girls hustle down the short hallway to get Lavender ready to leave with my folks.

“Your mom just got you nearly an entire day alone with your woman, son. Don’t waste it.” My dad’s serious tone my dad, reserved for only the most important lectures, is proof positive he’s as charmed by Sirena and my Shortstack as I am.

“Your father’s right, Jonah. You kids have already made me wait longer than is fair for grandbabies. Lavender is my reward for the patience y’all have forced me to show. You better not mess this up, Jonah Bernard Taylor, because those two are my girls now!”

I really hope Sirena is prepared for the tornado that is Bonnie Taylor. I don’t think an apocalypse can shake the woman once she’s declared herself.

“Yes, ma’am.” Because really, what else can I say?

* * *

Errands with Sirena are more fun than they should be. Every stop we make, I take the opportunity to open the door for her and let my hands caress and hold her. Every hour that passes brings us closer together as she relaxes and leans into me more and more.

“Anything left to take care of today?” We’ve been to the grocery store, the pharmacy, the dry cleaner, and the post office. Being a pack-mule and fetcher-of-things has never been this fulfilling. Sirena’s laughing and smiling, and she let me buy her lunch with no argument.

“Nope. Welcome to the world of ‘single moms who work nights and weekends, thus taking care of all their errands during the school day.’ It’s easier now that Lav’s in school; that’s for sure.” Her smile is sheepish, as if she’s waiting for the moment something critical or judgmental pops out of my mouth. It’ll be a long time before that ever happens.

“Great, what are your thoughts on going back to your place and letting me cook you dinner so we can watch a movie and relax?” Did I just invite myself over to her place? Yeah. I fuckin’ did. I’ll make no apologies for it, either. Sirena’s never had trouble telling me no any other time, so I’m confident she’ll kick my ass to the curb when she’s had enough of me for the day. Then I’ll give her a day or two and show up again.

I’m typically the sort to take a woman at her word when she says she’s not interested, but Sirena’s never once said that. She’s told me she ‘can’t,’ or that she ‘shouldn’t,’ and now that I’ve met Lavender and heard some from my girl about her circumstances, I get it. My sweet bunny’s been too busy and overwhelmed being the best damn mom she can be for a relationship with a man.

Thank fuck for that. It means she’s not weighed down by any fuckers I need to scare off. And she’s smart enough to avoid casual hookups where she works. All of which added up to her thinking we weren’t meant to be.

It’s a good thing I know better. There’s nothing casual or temporary about us, and I’m going to make sure her burdens and obligations are lightened, not increased. Not only because that’s the sort of man my parents raised me to be, but because I’m going to be the man Sirena and Lavender deserve in their lives.

“You’re going to cook? For me? What about our shifts? We both have work tonight.” A skeptic, I see. She’s in for a surprise.

“Yeah, Bunny. You pick the movies and the blanket for being snuggled under. I’ll make you dinner and do the snuggling. I’m the boss, and I’m giving us the night off. We’ll play hooky together.” Might as well make my intentions perfectly clear. I’ve had an achingly hard cock nearly the entire day. Even if we only fool around tonight, there’s absolutely no chance on earth I’m ending the night without getting a taste of her.

I help Sirena into my truck, thankful for heated seats and fast working heaters when I notice how cold her skin is under my hands. I make a mental note to make sure both my girls have cold weather gear. It’ll be Christmas soon, but I don’t want to wait ‘til then to ensure they’re warm enough. Bourbon might not be the arctic, but it gets pretty cold here in the winter.

The main lobby at Fitzpatrick Place is always filled with activity. It’s unlike anywhere I’ve ever lived, and I have to admit, I’m glad for the solitude I find at my place just a few miles outside city limits. I know Cal’s happy to have his place about a half mile down the road from mine, especially now that he’s got Lumi living out there, too. I’ve spent a fair amount of time around these condos, though, most especially as Callum, Liam, and Marlyce all convinced their women to partner up with them and move out of here.

I swear I spend more time moving boxes and furniture in and out of this place than is reasonable. Fitzy claims it’s because she’s the best matchmaker in the state. I can only hope that’s true and she’s working the angles here, because I can’t go back to just being Sirena’s boss.

“A-he-he-he-hem.” Sure enough, there’s the Grande Dame herself, holding court in the room and directing the flurry of residents who are helping to decorate. By the time she’s done, I’m betting the whole room will look as if the North Pole relocated. I bet Lavender will love it.

Once Fitz is positive I’m looking at her, she points her index and middle fingers at her eyes, then brings them together and twists them to point at me. Message received, Fitzy. Message received.



“What the heck is Fitz doing?” She’s the most batshit, unpredictably wild person I’ve met in my whole life. I wanna be like her when I’m old. She’s always doing exactly as she pleases, and not a lick of what she doesn’t want to do. When folks call her out, she plays the ‘I’m old and feeble. I can’t help it’ card. Even though the woman’s liable to live forever.

“She’s issuing a warning, Bunny. One I’m willing to lay down my life to uphold.” All day, Jonah’s been playful and flirty, so this serious vow he’s making catches me off guard. He nods back to her and places his fist over his heart like some sort of knight about to go into battle.